Where Are You? (Genesis 3:8-9)

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?

Genesis 3:8-9

The above verses capture the reality of the first couple that lived on the earth. God made them and put them in the garden of Eden. From verse eight we can see that it was somewhat a tradition for God to come down to the garden in the evenings in order to commune with His children – Adam & Eve. I can imagine how those beautiful evenings went. God comes down to ask them about their day. And they would both tell God about their whole day, while they also listened to how God’s day went. It must have been a beautiful friendship. Until this particular evening when God came down to the garden and did not find them at their usual location.

Adam and Eve who used to be excited to see and hear God, now hid from Him. How shocking and surprising that God had to ask them, “where are you?” God’s question to them was an indication that they perhaps had stepped out of God’s divine location and plan for their lives. As the chapter continues, we learn that Adam and Eve had disobeyed God; left all the beautiful things God had made available for them to settle for less. This quick moment of disobedience cost them their beautiful home in Eden and even more their wholesome relationship with the almighty God.

It is God’s divine plan for every single man to enjoy what Adam and Eve enjoyed in the garden of Eden; hence He sent His son-Jesus Christ to take us back to Eden. Eden, where we can experience all of God, where we can have sweet, sweet communion with Him there, where He can lead us on every step through the journey of life.

Today, I am writing to you to check on you. To ask you, “where are you ?” Are you in Eden? In God’s presence? This is the best place to be in a failing world filled with chaos. Another year is fast rolling away, so will this world roll away sooner than you can imagine, so will you roll away from this earth sooner than you may ever imagine. But your soul will live forever and wherever your soul spends eternity is determined by the ways you chart your life here on earth. Nothing impure will ever enter heaven, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful – Revelation 21:27. To live a life pure, Holy and worthy of heaven, we need to stay and commune with a Holy God in His prescence.

So cheers to you my dear who is perpetually staying in God’s presence, may you be continually strengthened to stay in His presence in Jesus name. To my dears who are still on the fence, please make a choice to come into the kingdom of God fully.

And finally to you who my dear who is unsure where you stand, you are absolutely welcome here. Come into the family of God’s children. He is more than happy to have you in His presence.

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