Let Go of That Grudge

I am about to share something wild that happened to me over the weekend. I planned to share something profound I had learned about Jesus Christ during the week but my ordeal is worth sharing. And perhaps it may help you or somebody that you might know.

So it all started on Friday night during a conversation with my daddy. The conversation did not end so great and it pretty much left me annoyed. This annoyance pretty much spilled over to the next day and I wasn’t exactly ready to have a conversation with my parents the next day because of the mixed emotions I was dealing with. So the whole of Saturday went by with me holding on to a grudge towards my parents. I would like to point out that this was absolutely wrong on my part but I consoled myself by telling myself that I was not mad at them anymore but just wanted to be by myself just for this time

Anyway, I went to bed that night asking God for help to deal with the whole situation and other things too. Right after I switched to my personal routine of sleeping with worship songs playing in the background. On this fateful Saturday, as I looked through my playlists to choose which songs to have on all night, I saw Minister Theophilus Sunday’s new album release. The album was literally released on Saturday and the title is Eternity in View. This new album was my choice for the night and I went to bed with it on. As I slept, I had a number of dreams but two of them stood out and even woke me up abruptly.

The first dream had me in the front line of a place that looked like an embassy waiting to receive something that seemed like a VISA or so. Only for me to be disappointed at the outcome of things in that scenario and I began to contend with the outcome. That went away and I was at a place trying to get to a destination but I got stuck in the middle of my journey. I was so mortified in the dream that I had to wake up to escape the confusion I was faced with.

Now, this is where it gets very interesting! As I wake up from my not-so-great dreams, I hear a voice say Open your bible to I Timothy 2:8 and my reflex action was to turn my bible to I Timothy 2:8. And this is what it says: In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy. By the way, the voice was the voice of Minister Theophilus Sunday on one of the songs in his new album. It was not a coincidence that I woke at that moment when he said open your bible to…..There and then I knew that God was telling me that I could not say I was praying to Him or worshipping Him yet I was harbouring anger in my heart. Even more so, I can not be praying for blessings yet hold on to anger in my heart. I immediately repented, canceled the dreams in the name of Jesus, and called my mum although she did not pick up the call.

My dear friend, the world of the spirit is so real and it in fact controls the physical world. Holding on to a grudge or harboring unforgiveness in your heart towards someone is like clenching your fists yet expecting to receive from God. There is no way you can receive God’s blessings with your clenched fists. Let go of every bitterness or unforgiveness you may have towards your spouse, friend, or parent. You will be doing yourself so much good than you can imagine by doing so. And if you just cannot let go by yourself, ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help you.

If you really love yourself, and you want to receive all that God has for you, you will let go of that grudge like yesterday. My ultimate prayer is that your spirit man is so sensitive to the Lord that you are able to discern His instructions for you per time in Jesus’ name. I also pray that you are strengthened to do all that He has called you to do in Jesus’ name.


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