God’s Love for us is Patient

“God is so patient with us!” This is my conclusion after so many musings this week. I know this person who seems to be in a somewhat in-and-out relationship with Jesus Christ. If it was up to me, I probably would have canceled this person, but God is working out so much patience in me and He is pointing me to trust Him and show that He is a Holy God Numbers 20:12. As much as I may want to cancel this person, I am reminded that God literally chased after me for about ten years before I allowed Him into my life. He sure was patient with me, waiting for me to open the doors of my heart and life to Him. In this same way, the King of kings, the creator of the whole world is chasing after you, knocking at the door of your heart to open up to Him. If it hasn’t sunk in yet, this can be likened to someone more powerful than Elon Musk, more powerful than Joe Biden is chasing after you, and wants a relationship with you.

As much as God’s mercies are new every day, as much as His patience and love for us run deep, shall we continue to take His patience for granted to our detriment? Because every single second we spend outside of God’s loving grasp, we give the devil legal grounds to do whatever he wants with our lives. Just like the prodigal son who left the comfort of his father’s mansion where he had access to abundance. As soon as he left this mansion, he opened the door to the enemy’s vices – the spirit of waste, lack, sadness, joblessness, and so on. All of the time he was in his father’s mansion he did not experience any of these, he literally lived like a king – Luke 15:11-32. This princely and princessly access and lifestyle is what we forgo for every single second we spend outside of God’s loving embrace. Although God would keep chasing after His lost sheep, how much time do these lost sheep have before the enemy finds them and snatch them away to eternal damnation or destruction?

Today, I am writing to yet again dear friend who may have experienced God’s love but fallen away from His warm embrace. I am writing to you who may feel unloved, unworthy of His warm embrace. The loving and welcoming embrace of the father to the prodigal son points us to the fact that God has His arms wide open to sweep you off your feet into his warm embrace. The very moment you decide to forgo all of the vices of the world and focus on Jesus Christ, that moment you begin to live because He breathes His breath of life upon you. As I wrap this blog up this blog post, I would like to share the story of the woman with the alabaster box. Her story is so popular that many may not pay attention to the underlying morals and truths in her story. I read it again this evening and I saw that this woman actually had a not-so-perfect life, it looks like she had lived her life for the devil. This was evident in the way the Pharisees treated her and made remarks about her – Luke 7:39. In their minds, a sinner was filthy and unworthy to touch the messiah of the world. But contrary to popular opinion, Jesus Christ came for every dying soul in this world, He came so that we can all have life in abundance. I am so glad that He saved me from my dying state and even more so from eternal death. Back to the story of the woman with the alabaster box, she came to the Lord’s feet in tears, allowing all of her past experiences to trickle down in tears, forsaking her past life and surrendering all of herself to Him. She gave her all to Him at that moment, and Jesus Christ forgave her and sent her away with everlasting peace – Luke 7:50.

This is the kind of life Jesus Christ promises you, my dear friend, there is absolutely in this world that satisfies, nothing! Only Jesus has keys to the well of salvation that continues to fill us without running dry. Come to Jesus my dear friend, tick tock says the time. Come to Him for good, come to Him, and stay with Him.

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