Remain in me as I remain in you
John 15:4
About a year ago, I wrote about the tragedy & joy of remaining in Christ & Him in us here. Today’s post will be about how to remain in Him, it would answer the question – “How can I remain in Christ & Him in me?”.
The words in John 15:4 are the words of Jesus Christ, speaking to us. Saying to us that when we abide in Him, we would do so much good here on earth, and this ultimately will make God happy. In addition, remaining in Christ does us the greatest good than we can imagine. Using the analogy of a tree with branches as illustrated in my story in my post from last year- a branch that has fallen off from its source, from it’s root can not exactly bear juicy sweet fruits. Unless it is somewhat engrafted to its roots again.
The same is applicable to humans, we just cannot function optimally, do good without staying connected to our source – Jesus Christ.
God’s word tells us that there was nothing that was made that wasn’t made through Christ Jesus – John 1:2-3
So how do we stay connected with Jesus who is the true Vine, so we can be fruitful & multiply as God wants us to? – Genesis 1:28
Say Yes to Jesus or rededicate your life to Him
The very first step to abide or remain in Christ is to accept Him into your life. Although He loves you so much, He wouldn’t force Himself on you – He would only keep showing you over and over the ways in which He loves while He waits for you to acknowledge and accept Him into your life.
My advise to you is not take the time you have for granted, seize the opportunity now to accept Jesus into your life! It is the most beautiful thing to do, I promise you. You can say the prayers here now, and find a bible believing church to start to attend.
Or you can connect with me on Twitter/IG : @Abimbolaswalk or email: I’d be more than happy to speak with you.
And if you wandered off from your friendship with Christ, He loves you still and He wants you right back, even with a stronger to bond with Him. You can also say the prayers here as well.
By doing any of these, you become engrafted to the tree of life afresh.
Allow the word of God dwell in You
But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted
John 15:7
The word of God in your life is as nutrients to a plant, once the plant stops having access to it’s nutrients, it stops to grow. The same way we stop to grow once we stop to feed on the word of God.
Asides feeding your soul & spirit with the word of God, you have the responsibility to put structures in place to prevent God’s word from fizzling out of you life.
These kinds of structures could include:
- commitment to studying & meditating on God’s word daily
- select bible study plans to guide your study
- having a community of believers that love to feast on the word of God
Obey God’s commands & Dwell in His love
When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love
John 15:10
God’s love for you is spilled all over scripture, take your time to read through the bible and meditate on the verses, you’d start to see & experience God’s love.
More so, looking closely at the people & things around you and if you are completely honest with yourself, you’d see many things that point you to God’s love for you.
With that said, I do not think it would be so much to do the things that make God happy which encompasses obeying His commands as written in the bible.
And as you do so, you remain Him & His love
Invite the Holy Spirit
And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven
Luke 24:49
The Holy spirit is God’s free gift sent to humanity to help our walk with Him and our walk on earth purposeful, easier and blissful.
Having the Holy spirit live inside of you symbolizes the budding relationship that you have with the father and son. Jesus tells us in John 16:12-14 that once He sends the Holy spirit, the Holy spirit would tell you things that the father says. Having the Holy spirit means that you would always be in synchronization with God, you’d always know His mind about things provided you ask Him.
But as free as the Holy spirit is, He would not come to live inside you except you invite Him into your life. Therefore, ask God to be baptized of the Holy spirit.
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all
II Corinthians 13:14
The above verse was included in a letter apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth. And I strongly believe it is included in the bible to point to us how necessary fellowship with the Holy spirit is. As important as it is, every church in the world says this prayer as the grace at the end of every service.
To fellowship with the Holy spirit means to spend time enjoying His companionship, asking questions and listening to Him.
Hence, as we endeavor to abide in Christ, let us fellowship with the Holy spirit that He has sent to us.
Yield to pruning by the father
He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more
John 15:2
Over the last couple of years, I have come to the understanding of my parents’ love for me through their scolding and chastising when I was younger. Although I thought differently back then, I thought the worst of them but I appreciate their discipline now.
The same way our parents caution us and endeavour to set us straight when we veer off the right track, the same way God prunes us to bring out the best in us.
Therefore, let us learn to recognize His pruning which may sometimes hurt and other times be gentle cautions to set us straight and ultimately help us to bear the great fruits He wants us to bear.
This way, we stay abiding in Christ & Him in us. ☺️