My God, My God why Have you Forsaken me?

A good friend of mine whose testimonies have inspired me, motivated me and even strengthened my faith, went through a phase in her life.

Prior to this, my friend had heard God clearly, like very clearly say to her that He is with her and He was going to see her through that stage of her life. We were so excited for the settled future that she had in Christ and we were just hopeful until she hit a roadblock.

My friend called me on a Sunday Morning crying , she had done all she could, she had prayed, she had sought for help everywhere that she could and she said to me, “It just seems like God is quiet” He is not saying anything! Trickles of tears slipped from my eyes,it was painful to hear my friend’s hopelessness at that moment.

But to God be the Glory, He really did prove Himself as a promise keeper! My friend, miraculously found a way out of her roadblock.

As I grow in my faith and walk with Jesus, I am learning to come to terms with God’s processes after His Promises. Through the lens of God’s word to us, I have yet to see a man or woman who was promised great things by God and did not go through challenges.

Most of the times, these challenges are oppositions from the enemy to frustrate God’s children out of the faith. But Why does God allow it?

The bible tells us in Romans 8:28 that every single thing happens to us, the children of God for our good. So the the challenges we face today is all for the accomplishment of God’s purpose and promises for us. It strengthens us for tomorrow, it also helps us to be blessings to generations to come and the list goes on and on.

Take Jesus for example, He had a great commission to come save the whole world from sin and the claws of death and He would receive honor at the right hand of God with a name exalted above all names –Philippians 2:9

While Jesus was earth, He enjoyed His communion with God, went about His great and good works and it seemed like He was doing just great until He got to the cross.

Jesus probably understood the gravity of what He had chosen to do for the world but did not really feel all the pain until the cross. As christians, we probably enjoy our relationship with God and know that we would have some challenges here and there but do not exactly feel the heat till we face it.

Jesus, carrying the burdens, sin of everyone who lived then, live now and would ever live while He was nailed to the cross cried out to His father! with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Matthew 27:46

That out cry was probably out of multiple emotions felt by Jesus at that hour on the cross. One of which must have been a feeling of abandonment.

Jesus probably was thinking, father I could do with a little help to carry all these on my shoulders. Help me father!!!

But the Bible does not record a response from God. God probably was silent because He had the end in mind, He knew the glory that would be revealed through and in Jesus would be way greater than the sufferings Jesus was going through in that moment. I believe you and I have probably been at a place like that in our lives and we would probably encounter such situations in the future.

The aim of this post is to remind you that :

  • Jesus Christ has felt all the pain in this world that you could feel.
  • He understands every kind of pain or hurt you may be feeling right now or that you would ever feel and He cares even if He seems silent right now.
  • Whatever sufferings that you may be going through is all for the greatest good. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18
  • God has the whole, complete picture of your future in His hands,so trust Him as He walks you through all the loops and bumps
  • Having the above in my mind, let us glory and count it all joy that we go through sufferings just like Jesus with the hopes that we are made perfect in Christ Jesus. I peter 4:12-13

May the good Lord help us to remember all this and trust Him regardless of what we may go through in Jesus name.

Photo credit : Aziz Archaki

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