God’s words

King David was such an outstanding King, He had an amazing personality also, and He was a man with great talents, a man after God’s heart. He had such poetic prowess, have a look at the book of Psalm. He was an excellent musician; His music brought healing to King Saul’s soul. He was not a bad king either when it came to his turn to rule. He defeated a lot of Israel’s opposition when he was in power. He really was a great man, I believe he is one of the great men who poured out their all, gave it all away

God Himself described David as the kind of man that did everything He wanted Him to do (Acts 13:22).

A good question to ask is how on earth did he do everything God wanted?

For anyone to do all that I want, such a person has to have a glance at my mind to see everything that I want. A close mark would be me telling such an individual the things that I want.
Well for me to tell you everything that I want, we have to be so cool like that. For me to pour out all it is that I want, we have to be friends first.

An answer to the question I asked initially- How on earth did David do everything God wanted?
David was God’s friend first, he took his time to know God personally
“I study your instructions, I examine your teachings.” Said King David. You can have a look (psalm 119 verse 15)

This is how David knew God’s mind and did everything God wanted, he took time to study God’s word. Retraced his step she whenever he found himself wavering. I believe these  acts caused him to find favorite in God’s eye and hence his excellence.

The Holy Bible (the word) is the mind of God.

God knows just want we need; hence He made available the manual of life- The Bible

God poured out His mind in letterings for us to read, understand and imbibe.

David prospered as an individual, he prospered as a king. God’s word was what shone light on his path, guided him on his walk on earth.(Psalm 119:105)
Guidance is one of the many benefits of reading, studying, knowing God’s mind. The list goes on and on. I have mentioned a number of times in previous posts how refreshing God’s word is. Sometimes, it just hits me like! Dayumnn!

But there is a whole lot more to the bible; the collection, library of God’s books-word. It contains all that we need to thrive in this life, all we need to be successful in every area of our lives.
It is not a book concentrated on one aspect of life such as business, career path, finances, relationships, marriage. Not at all, it contains it all. Direction, guidelines to thrive at it all.
I mentioned identifying purpose and working towards purpose here. To kick start on a solid foot, guidance is neede. Reading  God’s word would provide such guidance.

To attain the peak of your purpose, to sustain good success, you need to know God’s word, speak His words over your life to sustain such success.

I personally can say a few about God’s word-
He is telling you and I stories of His children just like us who have gone through similar things that we might be going through. He gives us insight on how to handle similar situations. It is also a reminder that nothing we might be going through is new under the sun, people have been there and gone through it.

God’s words to His children never fails, none of it goes out void. No word God speaks goes back the way He said, it just has to be accomplished. Studying the book of Genesis in the last couple of weeks; I am tripped as how God gave Abraham His word about blessing him with children as many as the stars of the sky. God told Abraham that his own child with Sarah would inherit his wealth. It seemed impossible, but God kept to His word, though it seemed like time was not on their side. Sarah became pregnant with Isaac at age 90 and Abraham welcomed his baby boy at age 100.

God’s word brings comfort to any soul it comes in contact with. I have written a good number of times where and how God’s words comforted me in my low times, its effects is almost instant aswell. King David could relate to this on all levels, he wrote about it a number of times too. God’s word is super amazing

Knowing God’s words, His promises for us,His children is really important. For times when the devil tries to bamboozle us with his lies, we can counter them with the things God has spoken about your life. So many of God’s promises for us can only be seen in the bible. The earlier we know them and start declaring them over our lives the better for us.

In summary, the holy bible is God-breathed, useful for us in many ways. It shows us truth, exposes our rebellion, corrects our mistakes, trains us to live just as God wants us to. And only through the word of God are we shaped up for tasks God has for us.- II Timothy 3 verses 16 & 17

You should get your copy of the bestselling book already, don’t you think?

If you already have yours, start studying, don’t be like me who waited years to start benefiting from the Holy scripture.

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