Why Does God Hate Divorce?

God’s word in Genesis 2:24 describes to us what the ideal marriage as designed by God should be. It describes an arrangement where a man leaves his family to become one with his wife. As simple as the oneness may seem from the scripture, I am so convinced the oneness is a strong bond that goes beyond just joining of hands or locking of lips or consummation of the marriage. I believe that marriage is an altar where the souls, spirits and bodies of both parties are united.

And so for the following reasons; I believe God hates divorce.

Divorce means the dismembering of one flesh in Marriage

I hate divorce,” says the God of Israel. God-of-the-Angel-Armies says, “I hate the violent dismembering of the ‘one flesh’ of marriage

Malachi 2:15

Opting for a divorce means severing that bond that has been created; thinking about it, it may just be like detaching two items that have been bonded together with an adhesive glue. It definitely is extremely painful! Asides from the physical pain that people who go through divorces may feel, there just may be spiritual repercussions that the human mind may not be able to fully grasp.

So I can imagine Jesus having to look at the dismembering of one flesh formed in marriages every single day, I bet that it hurts Him so bad. It must really hurt to see bonds being forcefully ripped apart all in the name of divorces.

Divorce does not bring God’s Kingdom into earth

Marriages are bonds that the good Lord designed to last forever just like our bond with Him. I recently was thinking about how Godly marriages here on earth symbolizes or foreshadows the kind of relationship God desires to have with every single human.

A Godly marriage between a man and woman where there is love, sharing, sacrifice, intimacy and everything nice may just be the kind of relationship God desires to have with us. Apostle Joshua Selman mentioned in one of his sermons about how a Godly marriage is the first place a child starts to learn about loving and having a relationship with God. When a child sees the love and intimacy between his or parents, it may not be exactly difficult to speak to the child about an intimate relationship with the Lord.

But when a couple allows divorce to severe such a bond, the children are affected negatively more than we fully realize. More so convincing them about a loving father or having intimacy may not exactly be easy. And when children like these continue to roll out into the society, we’d begin to have a world with people who do not know what it means to love or be loved and this is definitely not what God’s kingdom looks like.

And what does he want? Godly children from your union. So guard your heart; remain loyal to the wife of your youth. 

Malachi 2 : 15b

No matter how unfaithful we are, God never divorces us & He Expects same in our marriages.

This month five years ago was when I got saved by my love, Jesus Christ. And as I think about my life before I got saved, I must have really hurt Jesus so bad! I did nothing to deserve His love but regardless of how long I wandered off from His loving embrace He still welcomed me when I decided to come back. And I can say the same for many people who have come to faith and into a working relationship with Jesus Christ. He never holds anything against us, He forgives us and shows us unconditional love despite our wrongs.

Therefore because He does so, He expects us to forgive easily with His help, ask Him to help us to work through whatever difficult situation that our marriages may be going through or may go through. There is absolutely nothing too hard for Jesus to work out.

To the men and women blessed with companions in marriages, the Lord says to you to remain faithful to your spouses no matter what. Do not break that strong bond you already created in the prescence of the Lord.

He that was there when you made the bond is able to fix whatever it is that may want to tear it apart, take it to Him in prayer. No matter how long it may seem to take, wait upon the Lord, He would do it in Jesus name.


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