Praise be to the Lord God who saved her and brought her into His fold.
Praise be to the Lord who resuscitated her dead spirit man.
And gives her the power & strength to crucify her mortal flesh to the cross daily.
Praise be to the Lord God who lives inside of her as the Holy Spirit.
Now the life that she now lives is no longer hers but crucified with Christ.
Unknown to her is how easier it is to make the confession than it is to live the life crucified with Christ.
The flesh, full of life and vigor has the capacity to feel pain and experience emotions.
Hence, every single time, she crucifies her flesh, it screams out in so much pain.
As often as she confesses it and as often as she wants to live the life crucified with Christ,
That He may live through her; it means that:
Although her flesh screams and craves the pleasure to watch her favorite TV shows all night,
she denies her flesh, to listen to what Her Spirit craves,
fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
Blessed with the curviest body and fairest skin to look upon,
Her flesh screams at her to show it all off to men and women,
But she denies herself and dresses as the Holy Spirit leads & with consideration for whoever will look upon her.
For she does not want to cause another man or woman to stumble in their walk of faith – I Corinthians 8:13
And all that Her resuscitated spirit wants is for Jesus to be seen through her.
As provoked and angered as her flesh may get by some lousy remarks,
she dies painfully to her flesh.
Denying it of the pleasure to rain curses and harsh words on them.
As betrayed, hurt & broken as she may be,
she strongly resists the urge for her flesh to reciprocate with vengeance.
She listens to the Holy Spirit,
in tears she prays for them while her flesh cries out in severe pains.
As much as her flesh screams, spite them – they do not deserve any form of love.
Her flesh in pain, she shows them love with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Because Jesus Christ loves them too & died on the cross of Calvary for them.
More so, He wants me to love them just as I love myself regardless.
Although her flesh wants to splurge all the money that she has been blessed with,
on vacations, nice clothes, shoes, and soon.
She denies it of the fleeting pleasure to sow into souls that have the potentials to live forever.
Although her flesh screams out for so much sleep,
she denies it the pleasure to snore away for long hours to go about her father’s business.
Her flesh fired up to gossip about every and anything,
she denies it the pleasure to do so.
As wealthy and influential as her father in heaven is,
she denies her flesh the tendencies to be boastful and proud.
She chooses to die daily because that is the only way Jesus can be expressed through her life.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world. – John 8:12
And the world full of immense darkness needs all the light that it can get.
What do you say about dying to flesh too?