The last week in the year 2023 started on not such a great note and it was all in my head, all in my mind. An illusion I had created or perhaps, an illusion I allowed my flesh to create. I let my mind stay fixated on all the things God did not do for me when God did so much for me. In the year 2023, God broke an evil generational cycle in my life and gave me something that my younger self never imagined. I flew the most times in my entire life in the year 2023 with two near incidents on two of those trips. But no! My mind chose to dwell on the other things God didn’t do for me.
It was as I worshipped in church on Sunday, 31st 2023 the Holy Spirit brought to my memory August 10th. I was at the airport for hours waiting for my connecting flight to another city. After hours of waiting, we boarded the flight and still had to wait. Drained out from working, flying, and waiting all day, I slept off on the plane at about 3:00 am only for me to be awakened by the pilot’s voice. He had tried to take off the runway but could not because of some mechanical challenge with the airplane. I don’t think it dawned on me what the Lord had done for me on that day until that morning as I worshipped in church. Although I entered the church feeling partially grateful to God, I left the church filled with gratitude.
So with that said, these are the three essentials I highly recommend to go into the new year with.
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. – Philippians 4:4
As you go into this year, make the resolve to rejoice Always! I realize that once the enemy can discourage you a little bit, he capitalizes on it and once you give it too much thought, it starts to drain your energy, affects your productivity, and discourages you from studying your bible, believing God’s word or even praying. Therefore, whatever you do this year, make sure you rejoice, Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4. I highly recommend my Christian playlist which could help you rejoice in the Lord on days you may not feel like it. check it out here
Sweet Friendship and Fellowship With the Holy Spirit
A big thanks to the Holy Spirit who brings to my memory all truths about my life. Thanks to Him who reminded me of God’s goodness; I somewhat. believe that the lack of fellowship with the Holy Spirit caused the Israelites to murmur at the slightest challenge they faced. Jesus told his disciples as He left the earth that He would send the Holy Spirit to us who would teach us all things and remind us of all things He has told us – John 14:26. A great thing to note is that the Holy Spirit stays only in places where He is welcomed, places where His company is enjoyed and this happens when we enjoy sweet communion with Him. Apostle Paul prayed this for His mentees and even for the church of God as a whole. He prayed for the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit to be with us forevermore. Therefore my dear, in all your getting this year, please enjoy sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Inviting Him over to stay at yours is as easy as confessing the Lord Jesus into your life and giving Him sole authority as Lord over your life. Once that is done, I recommend you get baptized in water and the Holy Ghost. Ask the Lord to lead you to a Jesus-preaching church and commit to growing in the Lord.
I trust Him to help you in Jesus’ name.
It is so sweet to have the Holy Spirit as your companion, oh! it is so sweet. He is always there for you and you can count on Him always.
Begin and Run With The Word of God (In the beginning was the Word & The Word was with God)
John chapter 1 verse 1 tells us that the very beginning started with the word of God, the word was with God, and the word was God Himself. God laid the foundations of the earth with His words, so who are we not to lay the foundations of our year, of our lives with the word of God?
I was doing the dishes on the first day of the year and the Holy Spirit began to speak with me. He pointed out how churches have the word for the year and everyone is excited and runs with the word for the whole year. This is great, fantastic actually! But God desires a close-knit relationship with us to the extent that we can seek Him for ourselves to know His mind and word for us this new year. As much as he has amazing plans for the church as a whole, so does He have amazing, distinct plans for you and me. You know, it is in the fruition of those beautiful plans for our lives that the church flourishes. So my dear friend who may have not found God’s word for yourself to run with this year- you still have time to seek and find.
Thanks for sharing this lovely testimony and message.
The attitude of gratitude will often take us to higher altitudes with God.
We’re often blinded by what we focus on out of expectations, that we lose sight of the miracle and angel happening and helping in the present. Yet He cares.
He sure cares! Thank you so much for reading and sharing