A rich fool, huh? Hard to comprehend how a rich man can be referred to as a fool or how a fool can be rich, yeah? I am so sorry to say that a whole lot of them lurk around oblivious of their bleak future..
I was reading my favorite book, the holy bible, the book of Luke. I got to this part of the parable of the rich fool please read . Jesus was the telling the crowd that had gathered to listen to him the story of a rich man who had a bountiful harvest, very pleased with himself. He destroyed the Barn he had to make room for the bountiful harvest he had that season, he stored up everything he had harvested. He thought to himself he had more than enough stored up for many years to come.
As I read through the prints, the thought of our leaders, men and women in authority embezzling and looting all the funds of the country came to mind. why so greedy?Do they know these things? Do they know that accumulating all these funds is total condemnation of their souls/ lives in God’s eye? Do they have the fear of God? What are they afraid of? Jesus went on to explain in subsequent verses that nobody should worry about tomorrow, what he or she will wear, eat or drink. God will provide for our needs, you and I are of great value to God, we were the only ones He created in His own image, He sent His only son to die for our sins. I mean what more proofs do you want to show that we are truly the apple of His eyes.
What is an individual doing with billions of aira that he/she did not work for? What? How do you live with yourself? In a post I posted earlier I mentioned how being virtuous is a legacy. So you are storing up all the wealth for yourself and generation? Blood money! It is no news that blood money yields nothing good at all, nothing tangible amounts from blood money. Well to me, any form of money from an illegitimate source is blood money; rituals don’t have to be involved. The bible even referred to the money Judas Iscariot collected as bribe to betray Jesus as blood money. The field that was bought with the money was and is still referred to as field of blood,it is a desolate field till date.
God Himself called the man who stored up all the bountiful harvest a fool! His actual words, “You fool! This night your soul will be required of you, so whose will those things which you have provided?” So is he who lays up treasure for himself here on earth and not rich towards God.
Rich towards God? Do His will, give alms, help the needy, share with the poor, pay your tithes, and give acceptable offerings to God. Tithes and offering s offered from blood money are no way acceptable to God. So why in God’s name are you stealing and saving up these funds? Nothing good comes out of blood money.
I am sorry to call it as it is but God Himself called them fools. Men who store up earthly treasures without seeking heavenly things are fools!
Wait! The man even worked for his harvest sef, but these our leaders don’t work for half the money and wealth they possess. LOL! So permit me to say they are beyond fools! “Cause it is no way profitable to gain the whole wealth of this world and lose your soul in the process. That sir/madam, baby boys and girls is not a wise bargain. The rich man could have shared the harvest with his neighbors that didn’t have anything. God said Sell what you have and give alms, the rich man could have done that too.
Funny enough it’s not just our leaders doing this plundering and looting, it is sad that this act goes on in the small corners of our homes, offices, religious houses just to mention a few sef. Biko (pretty please), search your souls, do God’s will always,throw greed in the trash.
God says love your neighbor as you love thyself, it’s not just when you give alms or give to the poor you show love. Putting your neighbor into consideration goes a long way too. You diverting all that money that is supposed to cater for citizens, not considering the hardship your actions cause
All that accumulating of riches because you are scared you may not have to eat or drink tomorrow, God will provide for your needs, repent. He loves you, He is ever willing to forgive you of your wrongs, once you are repentant that is.
We all know and have seen classic examples of it didn’t go down well with
I so love how my version of the bible puts it(New King James version) –Provide for yourselves money bags which do not grow old, treasures in heaven that does not fail, not subjected to thieves.
Seek only the Kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto you my darling .Luke 12:31