In February 2018 on my way home from a worship concert in Lagos, Nigeria I had an encounter that has not left my mind since that day. I got to the bus stop late that evening and made to board a motorcycle to take me to my dad’s house where I lived back then. It was pretty late that Sunday evening, so it was quite a challenge to get a bike home that evening. I walked some distance from the bus stop and finally found a bike man willing to take me home. And just as I was about to board the bike, I was accustomed to a man who shone so bright, I remember so clearly how he shone. He told me he needed some money to make some food for his children, he also mentioned how he had lost his wife. I felt compassion for him and gave him the last bit of cash with me that evening, right after he prayed for me. I remember vividly his specific prayer for me that evening. I have crossed so many oceans, moved from Lagos, and so many things have happened to me since that day but I just cannot forget that interaction with that man. I remember the color of the shirt he wore, I remember the way his eyes shined and the way his countenance shined. I am more than convinced that that man was an angel! The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:2 not to neglect to show hospitality to strangers because by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing.
I share my experience with you today because I would like to take you through the ministry of angels. And I do not want you to see this as mere theology but I pray you are propelled to take advantage of the ministry of angels at your disposal. This week was like a reawakening for me to the ministry of angels as I read through my devotional. Many of us know a lot about angels, we even quote Psalms 91:11-12 so often but are not fully aware of the power of the ministry of angels. The Bible doesn’t leave us in the dark about this vital ministry in our lives; the ministry of angels is so vital in our walk with God I must say. Two times, the bible shows how angels came to minister to Jesus during His work and time on earth. If Jesus Christ benefitted from the ministry of angels, who are we not to take advantage too?
Apostle Matthew shares with us in Mathew chapter four how Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil after 40 days of fasting and praying. Right after Jesus Christ had overcome the temptation with the power of God’s word, angels of the living God swung into action immediately. Then the. the devil left Him, and behold angels came and ministered to Him – Matthew 4:11. Yet again at the garden of Gethsemane when it crossed Jesus’s mind to give up on going to the cross, the bible tells us that an angel of the living God came and strengthened Him. It was after this ministration that Jesus garnered all the strength to pray, to pray so hard that His sweat was as thick as drops of blood – Luke 22:41-44.
With these said, I will go ahead to cite examples of ways the Lord’s angels have helped men and women of God and how they can help us. Before I go ahead it is noteworthy that angels are not and should never be worshipped. John the beloved of Jesus Christ overwhelmed and in awe of the glory of the angel who brought him so much revelation of the things to come, bowed down to worship the angel before him. But eh angel stopped him immediately and told him, “Do not worship me, I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers the prophets as well as all who obey what is written in this book: Worship God”. Therefore, angels are servants of God just like us but without their own will. They do not have the power to make their own choices as we do and are made a little higher than man – Psalms 8:5
Angels Watch over Territories:
Sadly, the Lord banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden as a repercussion of their disobedience. Immediately the Lord did so, the bible tells us that He put mighty angels at the East of the Garden in order to protect and guard the Tree of Life – Genesis 3:24. Even more so, when angels went to warn Lot about the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The angels watched over the city until Lot and his daughters reached a safe distance away from the destruction that befell Sodom and Gomorrah- Genesis 19:19-24. I am very convinced that the Lord has his angels watching over territories on the earth to date. Even the bible tells us about angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth. from blowing on the earth, sea, and on any tree- Revelation 7:1-3. With this knowledge, we can also ask the Lord to send His angels to watch over certain territories as we desire.
Angels Minister strength:
We see the ministry of angels in the life of Jesus Christ right after He had gone 40 days fasting from food and leisure and was tempted by the devil. An angel also strengthened Him to press on in the place of prayer when He almost gave up on going to the cross. I also believe that the angel ministered a whole lot more than physical strength but also spiritual and emotional strength to Jesus Christ. Because in that moment, the friends who should have watched with Him, fell asleep and He was just left alone with this huge task ahead of Him. God knows the number of times we have received this kind of ministration from angels but we did not know. Elijah was also a man who was attacked spiritually and mentally because tell me why a man who was fierce and brave in the face of danger will all of a sudden become depressed. The Bible tells us that right after Jezebel spoke her words of threats at Elijah, he ran away and became depressed – I Kings 19:1-4. This is a pointer to how powerful words are! Words shape the lives and destinies of individuals, therefore as children of God, our words should be seasoned with salt as we speak words of life to ourselves and the people around us. In the same way, we should surround ourselves with people with seasoned, spirit-filled speeches as well. Thank God for the ministry of angels in Elijah’s life, God knows what would have happened to him. As Elijah recoiled away from people, an angel appeared to Him and fed him with spiritual food and water to drink twice. In the strength of the food he received from feeding from the angel, he was able to travel forty days and forty nights unto Horeb, the mount of God – I Kings 19:8.
Many of us have enjoyed these forms of angelic assistance and we can keep enjoying it by the mercy of God. I also strongly believe we can ask the Lord to send His angels to minister strength to us or people as
Angels Deliver messages from God :
Monaoh, Abraham, Mary, John the beloved
Warrior Angels fight and wrestle against our hindrances:
God Gives His angels charge over His Children:
Elijah, David