Return to your First Love – Revelation 2:1-5

The book of revelation was that book of the bible I used to dread reading because of the seemingly scary events that will happen in the nearest future as shared in the book. But today, I will happily share with you my study of one of the chapters without any fear. In the last couple of years, I realized I used to dread reading it because of the uncertainty of my future after death. But now I have my hope in Jesus Christ to spend my eternity with Him in paradise.

With that said, shall we delve into Revelation 2 verses 1-5? The chapter opens up with an address from Jesus to the church in Ephesus. The last time this church was written to as recorded by the bible was by Apostle Paul. At the time Apostle Paul wrote to this church, he wrote from a place of joy for their newly found faith in Jesus Christ and their thriving fellowship with one another as well as their communion with Jesus. Apostle Paul encouraged them to continue in this stride and shared with their gems and nuggets for their faith walk. (Ephesians chapter 1- 6)

Now in Revelation chapter 2, it seems like the church has done valiantly well in serving God because Jesus opens up recognizing all the great things they had done and were doing right. The Lord said to this church- “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.“- Revelation 2:2-5. This reminds me of what the word of God tells us in I Corinthians 13:2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

The one word common in the two verse of the bible is the word love, the love of God, the love for God, and the love for humanity should be the power or reason we do all the things we do in His kingdom. Even our dear father leads by example – for He so loved the world and He gave His only begotten son to save us all from eternal damnation- John 3:16. So it looks like my dear brothers and sisters in Ephesus had lost track of the core reason for all they were doing. It had probably become routine for them to go to church or routine to labor for the Lord in His vineyard and it wasn’t from a place of genuine love for God or His people. Or perhaps it was not routine for them but they had the wrong motives for doing all that they did for the Lord.

Now let us zoom in on Revelation 2:4 -Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” You know the picture I have in mind right now as I write this paragraph? I have the picture of a couple who were “madly” in love with each other only for things to change between them some ten years down the line. Ten years after the children come into the picture, one party or both parties start to down all the love on the children while neglecting the other who was a participant in the children-making. I mean it is great to show the children all the love in the world, and it is great to work hard to provide for the children but don’t you think it is rather unfair to neglect the wife or husband who was there with you way before the children came into the picture and would be the only one left with you when the children leave the house as well?

How does this relate to the verse above? when you and I were first called into this kingdom, Jesus Christ was our first love and should remain our first love. At initial arrival into God’s kingdom, there is this excitement that we experience and we just cannot get enough of Jesus. The Lord wants us to continue with this energy regardless of the big capacities in which He blesses us to serve Him. He should remain a priority regardless and we should always make time for Him as we used to when we first came to Him. If we don’t there is a repercussion for it – He will take away His light that brightens our lives unless we repent(Revelation 2:5)

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