As I sat in my kitchen, my mother’s actually listening to seasons by Hillsong.
My mind wandered to the next post, the next thing I will be sharing with the world via my blog.
I already had something that struck me during my bible study this week, a bible passage that says it’s impossible for one who turns away from the faith to come back because he or she will be crucifying Jesus the second time even after experiencing the power of God and the fellowship of the Holy spirit –Hebrews 6:4-6
I prayed within myself Lord!! I really do not want to lose you. I don’t want to lose the relationship we have.
I do not want to lose my salvation. One would think how would someone taste something so delicious, so sweet, so breathtaking and still turn away from God
But it does happen, I remember during one of my professional classes. I met a man for the first time in my life who turned away from Jesus, I was only familiar with the reverse.
Before then I had never heard or seen it. Then recently I stumbled on a tweet saying people who had been Christians and no longer should RT and comment
There were thousands of souls who had forfeited or lost thier salvation for a reason or the other.
The devil really is in constant war with God’s children, trying to ruin as many lives as possible.
Paul said it well, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. In a familiar term; guard your salvation with your life; it is your life.
As I listened to this song, I realized God had given us an answer, a way to guard against this fatal incident
The shield of faith to guard against the feiry darts of the devil. Ephesians 6:16
Because the devil is constantly shooting his shots and it just might be God testing your faith just like He tested His friend Abraham.
Ensure that your faith doesn’t go down. I have written a few about it previously
I’d like to add in this post that listening to good songs, good spirit filled songs helps to keep one’s faith soaring.
The thing is when these songs are playing in the background, God’s angels, God Himself comes down to minister to us. He works in our lives, we may not see it instantly but He does.
I got the answer to a pondering question in the kitchen while i listened to Seasons by Hillsong. A good song!