So this morning my mood went from deep sadness to anger, to rage! I heard fuel prices have gone as high as #145 (naria) per litre, we have this resource in abundance! why the heck are we paying so much for it?! Its just like paying for air, ridiculous,innit?
I am not going to bother to list the facts and figures to buttress that we have mismanaged our resources, we have over relied execessively on crude oil, we have not had the best of leaders and it does not seem like the sun will shine on us soon. The situation of our great Nigeria is amazing, i would not want to say the worst. A pretty good picture of the current situation has been painted here
My rage this morning was on another level, i thought about different things i could do within my power like to the authorities, pour out my heart, blast them and so on. I just wanted to vent, to the people in authority, people that seemingly are responsible for our predicament,mama was angry!
Alas, somwhere in the midst of my anger, a question popps up, “do you pray for your country?” I was sober instantly, cause the answer to this question is – rarely.
I have been so selfish praying to God to bless me, my family and friends and so on. I pray for Nigeria seldomly. Yes! alright the leaders we have had have basterdized the economy, but we voted them there, we made the decison. Indirectly, somehow we are all responsible for our situation. Can you rule this country any better? Will you rule this country any better? if you were in government, would Nigeria be any better? Could you all kindly answer these questions honestly for me. It is truly not an easy task to govern such a gigantic nation,it takes more than human strength,intellect and so on to govern succesfully.
I have not come her to take sides with any political party or figure, i am just saying throwing blames, sitting in our living rooms screaming at your television screens wont move the country forward. I get it mama and papas, it is really heart wrenching to see the turn of things. I was there till this morning, i’d probably scream a few more times after i have prayed though. I really want the fuel prices to go for like #10 a litre, a naira equivalent to a dollar, really pretty yeah?!
So asides being a reputable leader instead of a youth as described here i strongly recommend prayer.
Prayer is a means of communication, speaking to a supreme being in this case, God. The creator of the heavens and the earth, He has all the power in the world. So instead of worrying and complaining and screaming, tell the situation to God, He listens. He says we should make all our supplications and worries known to Him.God sure has an amazing plan for Nigeria, we all just need to agree,and meet Him half way.
Imagine if just half of the current population of Nigeria( that is about 85million Nigerians) talking to God about Nigeria and what we want for her. He definately will move moutains for us!
Join me baby girls and boys going forward, say a prayer for our Country, speak good things into her soul.
Psalm 107 vs 28-30; Then they cry out to the Lord in thier trouble, And He brings them out of thier distresses. He calms the storm, so that its waves are still.Then they are glad because they quiet; so He guides them to thier desired haven.