Why we should memorize the word of God

Believe it or not, we are all challenged at one time or the other especially we Christians, the devil is in constant turmoil trying to figure out how to break us or win us over or to steal our salvation. Our salvation is a huge threat to him, so every avenue he sees he tries his best to utilize it maximally.

Don’t be surprised when you start to hear lies from the pits of hell or when you are faced with things God hasn’t promised or shown you.

Instead of surrendering to the plots of the devil, you can do a plot-twist, use the avenue to grow stronger in faith and in Christ, use it to move on to the next level of your life.

Just like sitting or an exam, when we excel at it, we are on to the next one. New level sister! New level brother!

So how do you pass those exams you write? 

By practicing what you had been taught in class, by memorizing some formulas  and so on

Exactly! When you are faced with life’s exams you show it that you were ready!

How do you prepare yourself? Study to show yourself approved- II Timothy 2:15 Study, meditate and memorize the word of God. 

You can only pour out what you have ingested if you have not fed your spirit man the word of God, there is no way you “gon” confront the devil with the word of God.

I have a couple of times shared with you on here how I was confused and extremely sad sometime last year and how the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance the word. I had fed my spirit, the Holy Spirit brought it from where it was. 

A couple of other times the Holy Spirit has helped me like that. 

But I know I can do better, we all can do better.

Thank God for a friend in faith who challenged me and is going to be my accountability partner for the year.

Every week we are memorizing a new verse for the whole year. 

Moreover, as a newborn in Christ, you can only grow when you keep feeding your spirit with the healthy food of the spirit, the word of God!

Picture this, your spirit as storage, you put in all those memory verses, all the truths about your new life in Christ inside it. Then when the devil raises his ugly head, the Holy Spirit pulls the appropriate weapon to shut the devil up forever! From where? Your spirit man when you had been internalizing the powerful word of God.

Most importantly, the word of the Lord embedded in our lives by memorizing enables us to live our lives the way God wants us to, it leaves no room for sin to breed.

Who wants to go on a memory verse memorizing spree this year? I do 🙂

You can join my friend and I, I’d be sharing the verses every week, you can get yourself an accountability partner as well.

Week one’s memory verse is Joshua 1:9

God bless us and strengthen us as we do this 


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