As a christian who has walked with the Lord for the last seven years(my seventh year anniversary is next month and I am stoked about it),I can categorically say that there are times, moments and seasons when I believe, I know without a doubt that I can walk on water given that my Jesus tells me so. Those moments my faith soars so high up, I shared one of those moments on this podcast here. And there are other days when this strong faith of mine starts to dwindle, I am almost sure you probably know what I am talking about. But I thank the Lord who has not left you and I without help in those low moments.
Let us take a look at a man of faith just like us but had his moment of doubt as well. Peter was his name, filled with so much faith at the word of Jesus to walk on water, he walked on water. Something that has never been done in the history of mankind but apostle Peter did so as instructed by Jesus Christ with his eyes fixed on Jesus Christ. Apostle Peter journeyed smoothly through the water, made his way to his destination until he shifted his eyes off from Jesus Christ. The bible tells us that immediately Peter saw the winds and storm he became afraid and began to sink – Matthew 14:30. This is exactly what happens to us as we journey smoothly through life to the destination God has probably told us but as soon as we set our eyes on the storms of life, our faith in God may begin to dwindle like that of Peter. And I can imagine Jesus Christ ask us the same question as He asked peter, “You of little faith,” “why did you doubt?”- Matthew 14:31
I think it is pretty normal for those moments of doubts to spring up in our lives but it is not ok to allow them linger. There are two things we can do in those moments:
- Cry out to the Lord for help just as Peter did. Immediately he did so, the Lord Jesus Christ reached out to save Him- Matthew 14:30-31
- And secondly which is the focal point of this blog post today is to fix our eyes on Jesus Christ. A close look at the account of Peter walking on water points us to the fact that Peter had his gaze on Jesus as he walked confidently towards Him. And for as long as He had his eyes on Jesus, His faith was unwavering. Therefore, dear saints of the Lord, I encourage you to fix your eyes on Jesus. Your eyes on Jesus is where and how you can draw strength to keep walking this walk of faith with Him. “How can you fix your eyes on Jesus?”, you may ask. The word of God, compiled into the Holy bible is the living word, is Jesus Christ. Every single God breathed word in the bible points us to Jesus. Therefore, the way to fix your eyes on Jesus and eradicate fear and doubt completely is to constantly fixate and meditate upon the word of God. As I write this final segment of this posts, God’s word through prophet Joshua in Joshua 1:8 comes to mind and it says,“this Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success“
So my dear brother and sister in Christ who may be going through a phase of fear and doubt right now. Look into God’s word, fixate on those words that speaks to your situation, meditate on them and confess them. And I promise you that by the power of God you will see the manifestation of the good things you desire in Jesus name.
And to my dear friend who stumbled on this blog post and is still on the fence about Jesus Christ. He is the most beautiful and most powerful friend you could ever have. I have been friends with Him for the past seven years, and He is the best part of my life. I invite you to a place of deep friendship with Him as well. All you need to do is say this prayer here, pick up a bible right after and begin to study His life and works. Then find a Jesus believing and worshipping church to fellowship with, that way your faith is also strengthened. Absolutely feel free to connect with me on any social media platform – Abimbolaswalk on IG,Twitter and Facebook