You probably opened this blog post out of curiosity or perhaps out of a genuine search for answers to questions that you may have. I sincerely pray that the Holy Spirit guides and answers you as you explore my thoughts, which are continually being shaped and refined by His influence.
First off, I do not think that we can use logical things or things created to prove the existence of the God who made them all. I believe that these things can attest to His existence; these things that surround us can teach us certain things about His nature and existence but not necessarily prove His existence. I believe that a meeting with the King of Kings is what can leave a lasting mark in our lives, a meeting with the Lord of Lords is what can open our eyes to the undeniable existence of God.
A man once known as Saul who was hell-bent on seeing as many Christians as possible killed met with the Lord Jesus Christ on His way to persecute even more Christians. Please read the full story in Acts of the Apostles chapter 9. I find this particular meeting amongst other meetings peculiar because we see a man who was well known for the persecution of Christians become one who did so much for the body of Christ. His letters to the churches and his admonition have been sources of inspiration, guidance, revival, and so on within the body of Christ for ages past, even now, and will continue to be till the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
How do we know that this wasn’t just a story written down just for the sake of writing? Well, this is where I would begin to make my case, shall we?
The Bible has stood the test of time:
II Timothy 3:16 tells us that every single word in scripture is God-breathed, God inspired for correction, rebuking, teaching unto righteousness. This word of the Lord has stood true for thousands of years till date. So many generals in the faith such as Charles Spurgeon, Derek & Ruth Prince, Kathryn Kuhlman, and so on were molded by the divine words of the Lord enclosed in the Holy Bible. These same words still shape the lives of many men and women of God in our time, you and I inclusive although dependent on how much we give ourselves to God’s word.
Do you know something about the bible’s truth- It has never been revised due to new findings or research. You know how textbooks have revised standards because some new theories or facts were found to be untrue or true – this has not been the case since the selection and collation of the bible. All of these God’s inspired words transcend through generations yet remain relevant for correction, admonition, and the like all through these generations and to date. No matter how much the world evolves, the Bible has remained the same and still potent!
The Bible Has answers to all of Life’s questions:
I have yet to see a book so complete in itself. The Holy Bible has answers to all of life’s questions – ALL of it, I promise you. Whatever questions you have about life, ask God to answer them through scripture, or take your sweet time to do some digging on your own. The Holy Bible answers the burning questions that men and women of all works of life may have and this yet again aligns with God’s description of His word in II Timothy 3:16
The Jews, Holidays & festivals :
I am not sure how important this part of the story is to you but stay with me…. I am thinking hard as I write this piece and I honestly do not have any memory of the knowledge of the Jews before leaving Nigeria. I left Nigeria in 2018 when I was only about two years into my faith walk. I was still figuring out the difference between the Jews, and the Gentiles amongst many other things. I am thankful to God for some exposure now because these exposures help me appreciate His awesomeness. I moved to a city where the Jews have conspicuous communities all over and I began to pay attention to them. There is just something distinct about them. Although many of them do not believe in Jesus Christ, it is evident that the covenant God made with Abraham and his seeds still transcends to the generations alive now.
I have also learnt that a good number of the Jewish traditions as seen in the bible are still observed by many Jews to date. For example, the day of atonement is a day or two observed by the Jews when they spend the whole day fasting, praying, and sacrificing animals for the atonement of their sins. It is considered the holiest day in the Jewish calendar to date. This is a tradition that is written about in Leviticus 23:26-32. The feast of the Passover which commemorates God’s deliverance of His people from Egypt into freedom is still celebrated to date by the Jews, and so is the festival of unleavened bread. Traditions like these are usually passed on from generation to generation and the fact that the Jews still remember and observe to date is valid enough to tell us that the accounts as recorded in the bible did happen.
There are landmarks to point us to the manifestation of the word:
To date, there are a good number of landmarks in Israel that tell us the story of the word of God that was made manifest and dwelt amongst men. There is the river Jordan where Jesus Christ was baptized, and Capernaum the fishing site where it is recorded Jesus Christ spent time in His ministry.
The Gospel and Miracles of Jesus Christ:
For about ten years of my life, I lived in sheer darkness although I was surrounded by the light of Jesus Christ. I lived for myself without pursuing intimacy with the King of Kings but Glory to Him who saved me to the uttermost in the year 2016. My life before 2016 and after May 2016 has a clear difference; there is such an undeniable difference between Abimbola then and Abimbola now. I have received and fully believed the gospel of Jesus Christ which has led to a complete transformation of my life inside out. I have seen this kind of radical change in the lives of men and women as well – it is so wholesome to see how the gospel of Jesus Christ can transform a murderer, the worst of men and women into godly souls sold out to shining the light and love of Jesus Christ. These are things we see all through scripture, how the gospel was able to transform men like Peter, Matthew, and Saul who became Paul, the adulterous woman, the Samaritan woman, the mad man from Gadara, and Mary Magdalene possessed of seven demons. It is even more beautiful to see that these miracles of salvation, healing, and deliverance are still the order of the day by the same power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The fact that the name of Jesus saved souls to the uttermost as recorded in the Bible and the same name of Jesus is still potent in saving souls from darkness, and death bondage is reason enough to scream that the word of God is true so does our God live.
The words of the bible come Alive:
I love to read books; I have read so many books that engage my mind, speak to me, inspire me, and motivate me but I have yet to read a book with words that come alive like the bible. There have been multiple moments when words from the scripture just come alive and speak to my soul and spirit. Like that knowing that this word was written just for me, for that moment and season! You know what is even wild, is that this same word comes alive for so many Christians studying it at the same time all over the world. As I write, I remember Pastor Mildred Okonkwo’s testimonies of how the word of God came alive to her in different seasons. First was when God wanted her to leave the relationship she was in, the word of the Lord from “John 4:18 – and the man you are now living with is not your husband” came alive to her. Then when it was time for God to speak to her about her husband, God’s word from I Samuel 16:12 came alive to her – Then the LORD said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”. Personally, in the year 2021, the Red Sea experience came alive for me because God made way for me through the Red Sea. Isaiah 43:16 came alive for me in that season – Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters.
Do you know what makes the word of God come alive? It is the Spirit of God. Genesis chapter one tells us that the Spirit of God first hovered over the waters, then the word of God came to the earth and began to bring form to it. As I wrap up this blog post, this is my ask of you. Pick up the bible for yourself, and read through it as you engage the Holy Spirit to breathe upon every word that you read. I would love to add that to engage the Spirit of God, you should explore first being His friend because He gives His Holy Spirit as a gift to as many as belief in Jesus Christ and accept Him into their lives. So, my dear friend who might be exploring options, I implore you to invite Jesus Christ into your life today, then ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit- the best friend you would ever have in this life.
This list of mine is inexhaustive of things that point us to the validity and truth of the word of God. Nonetheless, I encourage you to do your research before you debunk the existence of the one true God. I have met with Him, our fathers and mothers of old have met with Him, and we are surrounded by so many witnesses that attest to His existence.
Please feel free to share your questions, thoughts, or additions to this list of mine 🙂