Growing from babies to mature Christians.

I believe that it is the pride and joy of every parent to see their child grow, thrive, and become independent. It would become worrisome if a child born to a parent refuses to stop crawling or never starts to talk or overall refuses to grow up. I also believe that many young adults look forward to that moment when and where they are able to show their parents they are “grown grown” while making them proud.

In this same light, our father in heaven expects that every child of His who has been born again into the family should grow. I am also of the opinion that as much as we want to make our biological parents proud, we should keep the same energy with our father in heaven. We should stay pumped up about making Him proud and making Him proud comes with growth. Growth in the knowledge of Him. When we know more of God, we are able to discern the exact things He wants us to do per time.

Let us take a pause on my thoughts above and let us delve into God’s mind concerning the growth of His children. Turn your bibles with me to Hebrews chapter 5. This chapter started off by opening our eyes and minds to some spiritual truths about the role of a priest, how they are selected or called by God. This chapter goes on to describe the things that Jesus did and does as our high priest. But then verse 11 transitions to address the recipients of the letter; “there is so much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen” This is a pointer to the fact that there is so much that God would love to share with His children but then our stature and spiritual growth determines how much He shares with us. Think about it, there is so much a parent can explain to a three-year-old child but as the child grows, parents start to expose them to the realities of life.

Moreso, God may not share classified details with one who has refused to outgrow gossip and bad biting. Because such a person would spill good information without thinking which may defeat the purpose of such classified information.

What are the signs of spiritual immaturity?

Listening to the word of God without conforming to the word: Hebrews 5 verse 12 compares spiritually dull people with babies who can only take in milk without the ability to take in solid food. This comparably may be pointing to people who have been in the church for the longest time listening to the word of God but still do not reflect God’s word through their actions or speech.

Inability to teach the word of God: Still in Hebrews 5 verse 12 it points out that these spiritually immature believers who ought to be teaching the word of God now still was looking to be spoonfed the word of God. I personally do not think that this teaching has to be on a large scale like standing on a pulpit. It could be teaching a friend or someone who is new in faith or just strengthening a fellow believer with words of faith in the Lord. It usually isn’t the case with immature believers, they are usually unable to teach the word of God because they have not given themselves to mastering the things of God or perhaps have not grown in the love of Christ and so they can’t be bothered about others.

Inability to discern what is right and do what is right: Hebrews 5 verse 14 describes mature believers as people who are able to recognize the difference between right and wrong things. Our father is the father of all truths and He is able to guide us into all truths for as long as we yield to Him and follow Him. But constantly making wrong judgements or unable to discern the right things to do may just be a pointer to no growth.

Inability to grow from basic doctrines: Yet again, it is our father’s will that we grow and outgrow baby behaviours when we come into the fold. Hebrews 6:1 tells us that as spiritually mature believers we do not need to keep going over basic principles such baptism or repententance of sins and putting our faith in God. According to God, these are basic things and we should not remain in that phase or stage for too long.

Overall, I understand that God wants to share so much with us, He wants to do so much with us and through us but yet He would not give or share things He knows we would not be able to handle effectively. Therefore, as I wrapp up this blog post – spiritual maturity in Christ Jesus is something we should all keep working towards.

And we can achieve this with the continuous help of the Holy Spirit for as much as we allow ourselves to be led by Him. He is always willing to take you and I through each phase and stage of growth in Christ Jesus

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