Cries From the Broken Hearted.

Jesus! Jesus! save me! heal me! heal my broken heart! “I really cannot sail through on my own”, I cried out as I turned to my pink wall in my brightly lit room. My ears plugged with music that only made the sadness overwhelm me the more, I clinged to my chest with both of my hands as my face turned to be buried in my pillow soaked with tears and mucus dripping from my face.

I’d hit the shower right after my hours of sobbing and crying with the hopes that as the water from the shower washed away my tears, it would take along with it all of the the pain I felt. Nope! it never did, it only triggered another round of tears and sobbing. My music playing in the background as I let the water and my tears trickle down my body in such unison so seamless.

Sigh! This was the story of my life for about three months in the year 2016. How did I get about my day at work, you may ask? Thankfully, work helped me to mask the great pain that I felt and on days when I felt my body caving in, I would run to the bathroom to cry silently, trying so hard to hold back or contain my sobbs.

This ordeal of mine is something I do not wish for you or anyone in this world, heart breaks hurt on a different level. I shared a number of tips here to avoid heart breaks.

Today’s blog post is written from a desire to point you to God’s hearing and saving capability & ability. I recognize that it was in the moments when I cried to God from the depths of my heart in my broken state that He heard me, swayed into action and saved me. Those nights and days when I was pouring out my heart to Him from my helplessness and broken state, He heard me, healed and saved me!

And the above is just one out of many times I have cried out to the Lord from a broken place and He heard me. His word says in Psalm 34:18 says He is near to the broken hearted and He heals the crushed in spirit. My testimony and many other testimonies in scripture and even in the world around us point to the fact that His word in Psalm 34:18 is Ye and Amen!

Therefore my dears, I encourage you to open your mouth wide to the Lord who is mighty to save, mighty to fill it up with songs of rejoicing. Do not just keep your mouth shut when you go through a crushed spirit season, cry out to the Lord and receive your healing in Jesus name. Psalm 30:2 tells us that king David cried out to the Lord, God heard him and healed him.

If you can not seem to find the words to express yourself coherently, just cry out to Him however you can, do not keep your mouth shut, never!

Pray Unceasing

I Thessalonians 5:17

Three things are apparent in Psalm 30:2

  • King David cried out to the Lord,
  • then he was heard,
  • and he received answer to his cry.

You may ask why do I have to cry out to God when He sees me hurting? I wrote about about the things that I am learning about prayer here, it probably will shed more light for you.

God already established an order here on earth: spirits can only function through the bodies of humans and God is not exempt from this law. Furthermore, in as much as it hurts God terribly to see you or any of His creations hurting, He just would not intrude into our lives unless we allow Him, ask Him or someone somewhere is praying for us.

I pray that when we go through those moments, the Holy spirit will give us the strength to cry out to God, to be heard by Him and receive healing in Jesus name.

Have a blessed week, dears.

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