From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
Galatians 6:17
The above verse was written by apostle Paul in his note to the Galatians; this is a scripture I have known to be quoted by Christians against attacks from the enemy. But to a great extent leaving out the full context of what apostle Paul was trying to share with the Galatians and believers all over the world.
Navigating through Galatians chapter 6 verses 11, it looks like the apostle had received note(s) or complaint(s) from the church in Galatia about how they were persecuted or sidelined for not being circumcised.
Although apostle paul was locked up in prison for a good part of his ministry, I think it was very sweet and selfless of him to still find time to write and encourage brethren in the faith. I absolutely believe that it was by the power of the holy spirit because humanly speaking, it is so not possible to ignore one’s burdens to bear other people’s burdens.
In his note to them, he emphasized the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. The power of salvation does not lie in anything that we do; circumcision does not trigger the potency of the cross of Jesus Christ. Although the Circumcision of our hearts help us to be more receptive to God’s word the potency of our salvation lies and remains only in the cross of Jesus Christ.
As believers, the cross symbolizes a life of power through crucifixion; crucifixion of self, denial of certain forms of pleasure, and even persecution. Galatians 6:14. What really counts as a believer is our conformity to the image of Christ through the power of the cross. This transformation comes at a price of carrying our cross daily to follow Jesus Christ- Matthew 16:24-26.
And as we carry our cross daily to follow Him, there will be days when we stagger, or hit our heads against a hard wall or even the cross, there will be days when we are brusied, days when we feel battered, days when we cry all day. Should this discourage us? no way! with endurance and strength from God, we are called to run this good race with perseverance- Hebrews 12:1. Jesus Christ endured the journey to the cross and by His power dispensed from the cross to us, we can do it too.
This constant transformation and the marks of Jesus Christ on our bodies as evidence give us the authority and right to proclaim to the worldand the enemy – “Let no one trouble me for, I bear on my body the marks of the Lord Jesus”