Why my colleague thinks I need to balance it(my life)

Seated at my boss’s mini party at work, I was joined by my smart fine colleague 😊

Then he asks, why aren’t you dancing?!

I go like I am not in mood to. He goes like is there really a mood for dancing?!

Truth is I was not digging the music, it just did not blend in with my soul. 

Then we start to talk; i am paraphrasing now, can’t exactly put it the exact way he did. 

My colleague : How would your husband find you? If you don’t shake some “booty”sometimes, wear some fitted outfits to show the curves

Me: LOL! Yeah! I lool’d….he is not blind. He would see me.

My colleague: There are good girls everywhere, you need to be bad.

Me: LOL! Still laughing some more, I’d be bad for him(my husband) only.

Colleague : He goes on to say, it’s okay to be good but I need to balance it up.

Of course! During this conversation my mind was doing back and front flips, trying to construct my responses. I didn’t get to tell him what I’d write down now though ☹️

You really need to balance it up….Honestly I belonged to this school of thought sometime in the university.

I acclaimed respect for those guys who’d be on fire for God on Sundays and still “buggy” it down at the club on Friday night. These guys were smart too, so I thought it was just cool, hence my respect.

In fact a few months back(December) I would have still danced at the party. Although I do not deliberately listen to secular music or have them on my phone. It’s played alot around me at work, on the streets, weddings. So I’d just find myself dancing along.

Growth is something that happens to people every day. I have grown just a little bit. God just cannot be mocked. You cannot say you are on fire for Him or spirit led and still dine with the devil with a long spoon.


There is no time to be  dilly dally about such, God just  cannot stand any form of unclealiness . You choose Him or the devil, you shuffling between the two rides will cause you to be thrown out eventually.Revelation3:16

God would love for us to be certain of what we want, to be so sure of our choices.It is either we are on fire for Him or on fire for the devil. There is no sitting on the fence here – Revelation3:15

This new life in christ Jesus is a serious ish, not something to be taken with levity. There is a whole lot at stake, your life, soul, the kingdom of heaven.

Yes! It isn’t easy to live justly or in righteousness but be deliberate about your living. Once you have decided to live for Him, ask for strength everyday to live for Him and Him only. There are whole lot of people around doing that successfully, reach out out to them if you need to. But Jesus is the only strength that never fails.

As regards dressing to show some flesh, Jesus Himself said it would be worse for the fellow that caused a man to sin. 

Hence, we should desist from dressing in ways that would cause men or women to lust in their hearts or fall into serial immorality. For the wages of sin is death.

I pray God gives us understanding and grace to live above sin.


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