How to show love to the lost/unsaved

When Jesus Christ told the parable of the prodigal/lost son in Luke 6:11-31, He did so to reinforce to us how God’s unconditional love for His children is no matter how far off they may have wandered. The whole of heaven rejoices when one person who may have wandered off returns home-Luke 15:7. I’d like to imagine and think that the countenance of heaven towards lost souls and unsaved souls may just be the opposite of rejoicing.

I mean for the angels in heaven to throw a feast when a soul gets saved means that the whole of heaven cared so much that it mattered for them to celebrate. This is a pointer to a lot of love and compassion by the hosts of heaven.

The bible also tells us that Jesus Christ is constantly pleading for our mercy in heaven. If this is the case in heaven, is the case the same here on earth?

Are believers truly compassionate about lost souls? Do we really care enough to genuinely celebrate when a soul is saved? Do we truly care to pray for them?

The prodigal son’s elder brother perhaps had condemned his younger brother for being so wasteful, ungrateful and leaving home abruptly like that. When he heard his father was throwing a party for his younger brother who had left home he was angry and didn’t want to be a part of the party.

The prodigal son’s elder brother may be us or we may be the prodigal son’s elder sometimes in our countenance and attitude towards the unsaved souls around us.

As Christians, myself included we may be so quick to condemn and judge people by their actions and attitude that they put forward sometimes. But there is a popular saying that God hates sin but not the sinner .

We are not saved by our good works or by our power

This blogpost is to serve as a reminder that we were not saved by ourselves, neither were we called into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ by ourselves. We have been saved by the grace of God and through the unconditional love of Jesus Christ who came and gave His life as ransom for our lives.

Therefore, we have no right to judge and condemn anybody. Trust me, I know this may be such a hard thing for us to achieve by ourselves.

We have no righteousness of our own

There is usually this tendency to dwell in this euphoria of our righteousness. But truth be told we have no righteousness but through Christ Jesus. II Corinthians 5:21 The more often we remind ourselves of this , the better it will be for us to show love and compassion to everyone around us whether saved or not. So instead of looking at anyone in any way demeaning, let us look at them with compassion because if they knew better, they probably would have done better.

If we really love God, let us show it here

Going forward, let us endeavour to shine the light of Jesus everywhere we go, speak in love, act in love and pray in love for as many unsaved souls as you can. if not for anything but to show the true nature of God; He asks us in His word that how can we say we love Him and we do not show love to our neighbours here on earth. Neighbours being as many people we come in contact with and have the opportunity to share the love of God with by our actions, verbal & non-verbal communication and soon.

Go in this stride brethren! Go in love! But do not let darkness overcome your light as you do so. May the good lord give us wisdom and understanding to show and spread His love and light here on earth in Jesus name. Amen

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