How I finished reading my Bible in 322 days

I finished reading my Bible guys!!!! The 18th of November 2018 was the day I finished my whole bible for the first time.

Since I became serious with my God in 2016, I had struggled to read my bible every day. Some days I read a lot of it, some other days I just didn’t feel like it.

To grow as a Christian it is extremely necessary to read the Bible every day. God instructed His children through Joshua, a valiant man of God, to read, meditate on the book of the law(The Holy Bible) day and night. This act alone guarantees anyone who follows this instruction good success and prosperity. Joshua 1:8 

Of course! Your baby girl wants good success but asides that, reading, studying and meditating on the word of God is food for your spiritual being. As milk is to a newborn baby, so is the word of God to a newborn Christian. As the daily intake of food is required for growth, so is daily ingestion of the word of God necessary to grow spiritually.

Yes!! your girl whats in all spiritual growth as well.

Moreover, the word of God has the power to comfort you in your lowest and even fight against the enemies who may try to raise a standard against you. I have written about how God’s words brought life to my soul in my lowest moments.

That said, somehow on the 1st of January was super charged up and excited in my spirit to take up the 365 days challenge and look at me now, I finished reading my Bible in 322days. *doing a backflip

This devotional of mine gave me a guideline to follow. On the top left corner of the devotional, it has chapters and verses to follow every day to finish reading the bible in a year.

The first day said to read Genesis chapters 1,2 & 3 and then Matthew chapter 1. So going forward I just followed that guideline. I read four chapters every day. I finished reading the new testament before the old testament and so I switched up to reading 3 chapters of the old testaments every day.

I was committed to achieving this goal of mine, to know God more, to read His letters to me. I was determined to stay committed to this relationship of mine and I believe God helped me also.

Yeah! So I was committed to accomplishing this goal of mine if I foresaw being tired. I’d read my bible on the move while in the car or in a public transport

Another thing I think helped was the version of the Bible I was reading, On days I wasn’t using my women’s devotional bible(Good News Translation), I was using YouVersion or The Message Bible. Reading these versions made it fun for me to read and easy to understand. I looked forward to reading my bible with these versions.

I definitely will be reading my bible all over again by God’s grace because you know what?

The Holy Spirit breathes new life on His word every single time you read it, He gives you more understanding, He ministers to you through His breathe-filled words, I have read many verses and chapters this year that I probably had read before but then I got different insight, a better understanding or even gave me answers to something I was wondering about.

In as much as I am elated that I have achieved this goal of mine, I could improve. Hopefully, going forward, I will memorize more verses and I will MEDITATE on these words a lot more. I realize the things you feed your soul with and fix your mind on and goes a long way in determining your state of mind and general progress.

I pray that God’s words continually lights our paths in Jesus name.

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