Bible Study :Luke 9-15

And my friends and I have continued on our bible study :D. We covered chapters 9 through 15 this past week. I am thankful for Insight, God’s word, for this bible study.

Incase you missed out on my notes from Luke chapter one through 8, you can have a read here.

Go ahead and read my scribbles from this past week, God bless you 🙂

Luke 9

Verse 1 – Jesus called His 12 disciples to give them authority & power to preach the gospel, heal the sick. But this was after awhile of teaching them and allowing them to learn under His tutelage, just as Jesus had learnt in the temple. There are steps, procedures in the kingdom and things of the kingdom.

I believe as disciples of Jesus or friends of Jesus now,we are entitled to the same authority as He bestowed upon His disciples, given that we do the needful.

Verse 3-6 Jesus told them to take absolutely nothing along with them, not even a change of clothes. And the disciples obeyed. That is great faith beloved. Great faith!
I probably would worry about me smelling or getting hungry or getting tired. But the disciples obeyed.

May the good Lord give us great faith to go as He sends us in Jesus name. and we are be able to discern when He sends us too in Jesus name.

Verse 10-17 Jesus was leading by example. He had told us at the beginning of His ministry that if we have two shirts, we should share with those who do not have.
They had only five fishes and two loaves of bread, He thanked God for the little they had and shared it with the multitude and heaven multiplied their supplies and they even had more than enough.
If you have $2 and know a friend who has zero. Thank God for the $2 you have, share with your friend and watch heaven come through for you.


Verse 18- 20 Jesus probably asked Peter the question about Identity to see if after all This while Peter really knew who Jesus was and is.

Verse 21- 27 To be saved, to make heaven, to gain eternity with Jesus. We must lose ourselves that is deny our flesh and walk in the Spirit .

Verse 28-36 The transfiguration, how beautiful it must have been. The Bible said, Moses and Elijah who were great prophets of their times were seen in heavenly glory and the disciples saw Jesus’ glory. How beautiful it must have been

To see and behold the beauty and glory of Jesus I pray in Jesus name .

It’s also noteworthy that Jesus had This encounter when He went to pray on the hill and He was by Himself, His disciples were asleep.

Secret prayers in lonely places lead to encounters with Jesus.

Verse 43- 45
Although Jesus told His disciples about His upcoming crucification, the Bible tells us that it was hidden from them and they didn’t understand it. God can decide to open our understanding of the scripture as He please. And He chose not to open the understanding of the disciples at that time.
Verse 60- 62 serving God double-mindedly is of no use . When we decide to serve Jesus, we should keep going focused on Him only.

May God help us in Jesus name.

Luke 10

Verse 1- 9 As great the number of people that were alive in Jesus’ time , He was able to only choose 72 men to go spread the gospel in towns. He sent them two each to a town. I guess that’s how it is now, there are but a few number of true men and women of God compared to the population of the world “atm” . That’s why Jesus references that the harvest is plenty but the workers are few that is, there are so many souls to be saved but only a few workers to help plant the seed in their hearts for the harvester (God) to water, prune, nurture and harvest.

Verse 16 – Whoever rejects the men Jesus sent to the towns to preach reject Him, those who accept Him accepts Him as well. I probably think it’s the same now for men and women of God that God sends to the ends of the world to share the love of God.

Verse 18 – Never seen that or just never paid attention. Jesus said, I saw the devil fall from heaven like lightening” This was probably the causal effect of the 72 men doing the work of the Lord.

Jesus went ahead to say that He has given them and even us the authority to trample on snakes an scorpion and they shall by no means hurt us.

May this revelation be our reality in Jesus name!!

Most importantly we should not be carried away that demons obey our voices or tremble. But we should be glad that our names are written in heaven.

Because what shall it profit a man if demons obey our voice but we end up in hell like them?!!

We shall not end up in hell like the demons we cast to the pits of hell in Jesus name.

Verse 21 – Made me smile as I read, I imagined Jesus rejoicing and happy. The Bible also tells us that it was the spirit of God that that filled Jesus with so much joy

That’s the explanation of our inexplicable joy as Christians. People see us filled with joy and can’t point at the reason(s) . It is the spirit of the Lord inside of us.

May this be our testimony forever in Jesus name.

Verse 22 : No one knows the father nor the son except Jesus chooses to reveal Himself to us.

Thank you Jesus for revealing yourself to us. I pray that you keep revealing yourself to us deeper and deeper.

Verse 26-37 Jesus is really a great teacher! The greatest teacher that ever lived. Giving an illustration and then asking questions to reinforce what He had just taught through the story telling.

Teachers should learn , we should learn from Jesus too.

Verse 41 Jesus’ response to Martha, “you are worried and troubled over so many things but only one is needed, Mary has chosen the one- Jesus “

The same applies to us , more than often we are engulfed in so much worry and anxiety. But. Jesus would love us to focus on Him only.

I know it may the hardest to do. But I pray God gives us the focus, strength and discipline to focus on Him no matter what in Jesus name.


Luke 11

Verse 1- 13 Jesus taught His disciples how to pray as He was asked. One thing or maybe three that I picked up from how to pray as modeled by Jesus are :

  1. We should honor God first, we should praise Him, worship Him before making our requests. Even David said, I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my mouth.
  2. We should always ask God for forgiveness of sins. Although I have had conversations with other believers and they think we don’t need to ask for forgiveness because after the death of Jesus, His blood sanctified us. What do you think?
  3. Also I see Jesus telling us to be persistent with our requests to God and our seeking of Him. We shouldn’t relent.

May We not get tired of seeking God and asking Him for our needs in Jesus name.

Verse 14- I already mentioned earlier that the human flesh is controlled by the kind of spirit living inside Him. The man here could not speak because the demon/spirit living inside Him was dumb. As soon as the demon left Him, he started to talk.

Verse 24-26 shows us that these evil spirits are steady looking for human bodies to dwell in. If they don’t find, they reconsider the bodies of their former habitation. If these spirits go back and find that these bodies of these individuals clean, sanctified (that is they have been living a holy life) they are not able to go back inside. But if these bodies are unholy( that is these individuals go back to sin) these demons are able to go back inside.In summary, a Holy life is the habitation of the Holy Spirit, an unholy life is the habitation of evil spirits.

Verse 27-28 I can so relate! I listen to some people and I am like, Woahh! How blessed the relatives/friends of this child of God is.
But That isn’t all there is to happiness, being friends with a great child of God. True happiness comes from hearing and obeying God’s word

Verse 34-35 The eyes are the lights of our body, it determines if our lives light up or stay in complete darkness. What came to mind was the things we feed our eyes with. The things that gain entrance into our lives come in through our eyes. We see a movie, scenes are stored in our minds, and we begin to meditate on them. And our thoughts become our actions…….And eventually our lives are shaped by these things.
Therefore, we should be careful the things we feed our eyes with. Our eyes are the lamp of our bodies!!

Verse 37-54 Being Holy isn’t just about the way you look. I could look like the “saintest”of the saints and my life be so filthy! Inside and outside purification matters, He also went ahead to admonish the self righteous prophets.self righteousness is not the way to go. It’s through Jesus that we are made righteous.

Luke 12

Verse 1-3
Jesus told the multitude of people gathered to be careful of Pharisees that preach self-righteousness and heresy. I think it applies to the multitude of people in the world now; Let us be careful of false doctrines and teachings. We have the word of God and His spirit to verify preachings we hear. Amen.

Plus, Jesus says, there would be a day when everything: truths & heresies that are nicely hidden will be revealed

Verse 4-7 I think this is a subtle comparison of the devil and God. The devil can only kill our mortal bodies but God can do much more. He can kill, bring to life and even has authority to throw the body in hell, it is God we should fear and not the devil who can only kill the body and do nothing more!

God cares for every single sparrow that He created, He has counted and knows every strand of hair on your head. Why won’t He care for you?!! God cares for everyone of us.

Thank you father! For caring so much about every detail of our lives.

Verse 10– We should really be careful the things we say about the Holy Spirit. We would be forgiven if we sin against Jesus but lying or grieving the Holy Spirit May not be forgiven.

Verse 12 The Holy Spirit can be our teacher if we let Him.

Verse 15 – We should be watchful and guard ourselves against greed. True life is not based on riches of this world. It’s fantastic to be wealthy, infact Jesus became poor so we can be rich, just do not let greed get a hold of you.
Like doing insanely crazy things to get wealth….neehhh fam. Having all the wealth and not sharing with your neighbors. That’s not the life Jesus died for

Verse 21– one can be so wealthy here on earth but be wretched in the eyes of God.

May our wealth be equally distributed in Jesus name both earthly and spiritual wealth.

Verse 24-31 Reinforces what we discussed yesterday about not worrying about tomorrow’s needs. What we concern ourselves with are the things of the kingdom. As I type this, I remember how Jesus sent out the disciples to preach the gospel to towns and villages. He told them not to take along change of clothes or food. They did, and we don’t see the Bible telling us they were hungry, God used men and women to bless them.

May our faith be strong enough to trust God for our needs. May we be able to seek only after the things of the Kingdom in Jesus name .

Verse 32 – 34 Invest a lot of your time in accumulating kingdom wealth because truly wherever your wealth or treasure is,that is where your heart is. Jesus wants our hearts in/on heaven.

May God give us deep understanding about this and teach us how to invest wisely.

Verse 35-40 will you be ready if Jesus came today? Will you make heaven if He came for us today?
We should live our lives guided and guarded because Jesus can come at anytime to take us home.

May we make heaven in Jesus name.

Verse 41-48 We should be faithful even with the small tasks we given whether, be it God or our earthly boss. When we are diligent and faithful with the little, God Himself will uplift us. Give us greater tasks that will show forth His glory when we execute them.

Verse 49– Jesus said He came to set the world on fire, on fire for Him and the kingdom of God I am sure. “I wish it was already kindled” , He said.
This is the world Jesus wants, a world on fire for Him. Can it happen? Perhaps.
One life at a time. Will it start with you?
Sure! It can, it should!
May we keep burning for Christ and be able to pass the fire on in Jesus name.

Luke 13

Verse 1-5 Sometimes we may ask questions , why do good people die? Or why did they die so violently? Well I don’t have the answer only God does . But Jesus said here that because people died like that doesn’t mean they were not righteous or will not make heaven.
Bottom line is we should turn away from our sins so we don’t die and then end up in hell. I feel like the kind of death Jesus was talking about here was the total condemnation in hell fire. The closest representation of it was the way the Galilean died, so that people could have a picture of what total condemnation in hell is.

We shall not die violently in Jesus name! And we shall make heaven in Jesus name.

Verse 6-9 The fig tree is a figure of speech or is it metaphor ( Biko pardon my lingo) for saved children. When we become saved, we feed on milk, then we grow and start to feed on meat- I believe there is a scripture like that( I paraphrased though) Jesus doesn’t expect us to be baby Christians forever.
As He expected the fig tree to bear fruits after 3 years. He expects us to be actively serving Him, bearing good fruits one way or the other.

May our lives and walk with Jesus be fruitful in Jesus name.

Verse 10- 17

Sigh! See how wickedly wicked these evil spirits are!! Keeping a woman in bondage for 18 years. Thank God our Jesus came to set us free and to give us power & authority over them.

Again, like we have said before. We can do good on our sabbath day. We have six days to work and one day to rest.

Verse 18-19
The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed that is planted and it grows into a big beautiful tree that nests house.
That’s the power of the seemingly small word of God that takes root in our lives.
I remember it was the words of my foundational class teacher back in 2016 that has changed my life completely. That small mustard seed, “seemingly” small words from her.
But the Holy Spirit took them, nurtured them and I am thankful for my salvation.

The word of God has the power to build a city, infact the word of God created the whole world!

Verse 20-21 Jesus compares the kingdom of God to yeast here and what comes to mind is catalyst! Catalyzer!

Verse 22-30
May we all be fit enough to pass through the narrow doors of heaven in Jesus name

Luke 14

Verse 1- 6
The Bible tells us that the Pharisees observed Jesus closely. I believe that’s how it is still, there are people observing us closely. Perhaps waiting for our slip but let our ways just please the God who created us and even our enemies will be at peace with us, the scripture says so .
Moreover we don’t know whose live we are influencing with the way we live

May our lives behind closed doors and even in public please God always in Jesus name.

Verse 7-14 Jesus stresses the importance of humility with His parable which makes a lot of sense. It’s better I am seated somewhere lowly and my host invites me to sit on the high table than me going to the high table, then my host says, oh! I am sorry the governor was invited. He would sit there, how embarrassing it will be.

Biko let’s stay humble God Himself will uplift us in Jesus name.

Jesus also stresses how we should not only give to our friends but we should give to the less privileged as well.

Verse 25-32

To follow Jesus, to be a disciple of our Lord Jesus:

we should love Him above everything He has given us. Love Him more than our parents, spouses, career or jobs.

Nail our flesh (the worldly desires of our bodies) to the cross daily.

Verse 33-34

What’s the use of salt that loses its taste? Useless!!!
We are the salt of the earth, we should do well not to lose our saltiness.

We would not lose our saltiness in Jesus name

Luke 15: Verse 1-10
The God who leaves the 99 who do not need to repent to go after one who needs to.
Jesus came and will keep going after unsaved souls because it is His will for everyone to be saved.

God and His angels rejoice over every sinner who repents. A party is thrown in heaven every-time a sinner repents.

Verse 11-32 Jesus really stressed how our Father rejoices over a lost sinner. He told three parables!!!

I think this stresses how much God loves everyone and that He sent His son Jesus to save those who are dying or on the way to eternal death plus those who are lost or may wander off at some time

Because the prodigal son had everything but he decided to wander off at some time.

His father which symbolizes our father in heaven is ever ready and will rejoice whenever a lost soul finds his/her back home.

May we all make it back home(heaven) in Jesus name

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