What is faith?
Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1
It is by faith that we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command,that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen. Hebrews 11:3
It is obeying God while trusting Him completely although we may not see the whole picture. Faith is completely trusting God even when it may not make sense humanly.
What part of speech is faith?
It is an action word for every believer, expected by God for us to exercise, practice till He calls home.
It is a journey that we grow through as long as we live here on earth. It is through our lives of complete faith in God that we are able to do His will always and thus please Him. Hebrews 11:6
What is the opposite of faith?
Fear or doubt is the opposite of faith. And the word of God has told us as believers that He has not given us the spirit of fear but of power. love, and sound mind. II Timothy 1:7
When I do not exercise or express faith in God, is it a sin?
Let me tell you or remind you of a short story in the bible. God had delivered His children who were in bondage for over 400 years and He was leading to them to a land He promised them; flowing with milk and honey.
Twelve spies were sent to check out the land of Jericho, only two of the twelve spies returned with good report. The other ten spies returned with reports of fear and anxiety and spread it through out the camp as well.
Only two men knew their God and what He was capable of doing and only them pleased God with their faith-filled reports!
Anyways the doubt of the ten men and the other Israelites displeased God and they were not able to see the promised land. Numbers 13 Only the two men ( Joshua & Caleb) from that generation who knew their God were able to enter the promised land & they did great exploits. You can read through the book of Joshua to see for yourself.
the people who do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits
Daniel 11:32
How Can I start to live in faith & by faith?
You must first believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten son who was sent to die as ransom & redemption of our sins.
Faith also comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God. Romans 10:17 The word of God is life and it is able to quicken your spirit man and even your mortal bodies to trust in God. Therefore the more of the word of God you read or hear, the more your faith in Him is strengthened.
Are there different kinds of faith?
Definitely! Jesus spoke about different kinds of faith and we can infer some of the different levels of faith from the scriptures.
Jesus talked about the following kinds of faith:
- So little faith- this was responsible for the disciples’ inability to heal the boy who was demon possessed and had seizures. Matthew 17:14-20
- Jesus talked about a mustard-like faith; He says that if believers can have even as much as such a little faith, we can move mountains, no matter how tall or strong it may be. Matthew 17:20
- And Jesus talked about great faith exhibited by different people who sought His face for healing. For example the Gentile woman whose daughter was demon- possessed & tormented, Matthew 15:28
How Can we then grow in faith?
We should always keep our focus on Him, who initiates & perfects our faith in Him. Hebrews 12:2. You may ask me how can you focus on someone you cannot see?
Jesus Christ is word of God made flesh; the word of God is contained in the bible. The more you keep your focus on the word of God, the more visible Jesus Christ becomes to you. John 1:14
Is Faith Transferable?
Well, every individual’s faith is personalized and individualized. Everyone’s experience & journey of faith is so unique that it may not be transferable but I believe faith is contagious.
The Samaritan woman who met with Jesus at Jacob’s well had a dynamic and personal faith experience with Christ Jesus. She was so blessed that she had to share with her all community.
And the bible tells us that they all believed (had faith in Jesus Christ) because of her story. Now these people saw that the difference in the Samaritan woman after her encounter. Therefore, this woman was able to share her faith with her community. John 4
We can also share our faith through our testimonies and our lifestyle.
Why is it so hard for me to have faith in God?
There may be a number of factors that may be responsible for our fear and doubts in God sometimes or every time as the case may be. Whatever factor it may be, there is only one root cause which is our mortal bodies or the flesh as the word of God may refer to it.
The word of God tells us that as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Being led by the spirit means we trust God completely and do not have to see physical manifestations immediately to trust what He says He will do.
Therefore the more life our mortal bodies have over our spirit bodie, the more we are likely to doubt God.
So How Can I be led by the Spirit of God to Trust Him completely?
Feed your spirit! I say feed your spirit
The word of God tells us that His sheep know His voice and they obey Him; this is also synonymous with faith in God. John 10:27
When we have great faith in God, there is the tendency to obey Him always no matter how challenging it may be. Just like Abraham obeying the voice of God to offer His beloved son as a sacrifice.
The sheep here may be a symbolic expression of we, the friends and followers of Christ Jesus. But then imagine if this sheep is starved of spiritual milk and meat? He/she is unable to even hear God’s voice clearly let alone obey or trust the leading of God.
I perceive that is why Jesus admonishes Peter to feed & take care of His sheep which could be Peter and the body of Christ inclusive.
In summary, I write to you today to take your eyes off whatever situation or challenge that may try to choke your faith in God.
Focus on feeding your spirit man who is responsible for powering your relationship with God.
Eat the word of God daily, search for Jesus through the scriptures as you read through. You will find Him and you will be greatly strengthened spiritually & physically in Jesus name.
It is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who comes to Him must believe Him & that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6