I wore His glory! Prepped and Prepped for that big day Nights of no-sleep Days of rehearsing that speech Mornings of fondling with scripts had to go for the kill Had to do only the best on this one This was the only chance I had at this I would be your eternal glory, He said Your light will shine before men, He said Arise and shine, He said! My light will be your eternal light He said. His light gives light to me His light shines so brightly, nothing has overcome it. His glory avails to me His light is my adornment It is my accessory His presence, my fragrance I can wear it any time, any day What are we friends for!!!!! On this big day, I asked Him Lord, can you cloud me with your glory Can you wear me your light Can you spray me some of your presence He said, sure! Go for it!!! I stepped out with His fragrance all on me Everyone asked who I was wearing The Lord's presence, I said 😊 I stepped into the room to be questioned And I was beheld with so much awe I knew right away The interviewer didn't see me anymore He saw the glory of the Lord The glory I wore on this fateful day His eyes kept glittering with so much awe I couldn't help but smile internally The deal was signed, He liked my personality LOL! It was the personality of God, my friend he saw. On this day I wore the glory of my friend And on this day I won.
The Lord is my eternal light and glory- Isaiah 60:19-20