Have you ever Imagined, Imagined what it would be like to see the Lord. And I do not mean when you leave the earth to be with the Lord, I mean when you see the Lord while here on earth. There is probably one thing you'd agree with me on, When you see the Lord, a transformational change is inevitable. And I do not mean, Abraham's blessings are mine kind of change. I mean Jacob accepting a name change kind of change. I mean Jacob acknowledging that His name, meaning supplanter was the root cause of his life of deceptions. I mean Jacob embracing his new name kind of change, I mean Jacob accepting to be called Israel kind of change! Israel - a people chosen by God kind of change. A people who consciously decide to live for God kind of change! A people who consistently choose love above hate, A people who consistently choose forgiveness above vengeance. A people who recognizes that the world is filled with so much darkness, And decide to be the light that they have been called to be. A people who chooses to speak truth above lies. A people who chooses to use their tongues to bless & build up souls. A people that recognizes that bitterness eats up the body, soul & spirit And decides to draw strength from the joy of the Lord. A people that chooses not to be controlled by anger, but by the peaceful spirit of God. An Isaiah saw the Lord, kind of change. Recognizing that God is Holy, And to keep a solid relationship with Him, Holiness is so paramount! A Rahab sees the Lord kind of change Recognizing how filthy one could be in the old nature, choosing to take off the old nature, to put on the new nature of Christ. An Apostle Paul saw the Lord kind of change Recognizing how foolish working in the old fleshy nature can be. Becoming consumed with all that God wants to be done. Dear believer, have you seen the Lord? He is looking at you, take time to make eye contact with Him today.