A group of women dressed in what looked like police uniforms stood at the entrance of a gate. I saw them from afar off and was somewhat scared to approach them but I needed to gain access through that gate.
They looked pretty unapproachable as they made remarks that discouraged me from pressing towards them. Should I turn back? Should I beg them? Can I squeeze my way through them? I kept going back and forth in my head.
Until suddenly, it seemed like a light bulb turned on in my head. The knowledge of my authority in Jesus Christ came back to me, the knowledge of the fact that I could pass through the gates came back to me at that moment. With this avalanche of knowledge flooding my mind, I matched up to the women. Raising my voice at them, I questioned why they even dared to scare me off in the first place. I questioned why they stood there as antagonists to my entry into the premises.
They seemed terrified but I was glad that my memory came back to me; the knowledge of the authority I have in Jesus Christ. As I woke up from this dream, the first word that I heard in my spirit was ignorance.
Imagine, I had remained clueless about my ability to pass through those gates without any interference, I would have lost out on the great possibilities that lay at the other side of the gates.
Imagine the number of beautiful gates that God wants us to walk through but are unable to because of similar women standing at these gates.
Imagine the number of people that walk through life without realizing the authority and access they have into these kinds of gates through Christ Jesus.
Imagine the miracle of healing that would have been missed if the woman with the issue of blood had not come to know about Jesus. Before she touched His garment to be healed, she must have first learned about Him and what He could do for her before she expressed her faith in Him.
Imagine she had not known Jesus, she could have died from bleeding non-stop for years. If she had died in & with her condition she could have been categorized amongst the people the bible says, “perish for lack of knowledge” – Hosea 4:6. The lack of knowledge of Jesus and His power.
I sense that in this moment, the Lord is calling me and you out of a place and state of ignorance:
- Ignorance of the devices of the enemy
- Ignorance of Jesus Christ
- Ignorance of the Power of Jesus Christ
- Ignorance of the authority that we have in Jesus
- Ignorance of the access we have to the father through Jesus
- Ignorance of how much we can achieve only if we commit to keep knowing Jesus intimately.
For God so loved you and I, He sent His only son that whosoever believes in His son will be saved. He did not send Jesus to codemn the world but sent Him to save the whole world – John 3:16-17. And God’s kind of saving is to the uttermost. Asides sending His son to save us, He sent Him to
- librate us from different of prisons we may find ourselves
- deliver us from bondage(s)
- heal our broken heart(s)
Not knowing fully all these and all that Jesus has done for you and me may deprive us of living our lives to the fullest as God may want us to. Therefore, I pray for you who has not known nor experienced Jesus for yourself. I pray that you come to a place of knowing Jesus.
A place of knowing Jesus because the knowledge of Him should be progressive with each new day. The knowledge of Him that you had yesterday may not be enough to carry you through tomorrow or the next.
Further more, I pray that the grace that comes with the revelation of Jesus Christ comes upon you and yours in Jesus name.