Thanksgiving tagged unlimited God

As at Thursday,I was certain I was going to write about something here. Fast forward to Saturday,my mind began to do a rewind as I rode back home from the Great Deliverance crusade (one of the programmes put together by MFM International headquarters youth church)for her 10th year anniversary.

God saved me in this assembly—MFM headquarters Youth church—in 2016. It is still the most amazing thing to happen to me.Nothing dramatic, I went through foundational class in church, and through His word my soul began to transform till it was saved.

This same God has saved people in near death situations or even in death situations.I mean He saved the jailer at Philippi, the one who watched over Paul and Silas’ prison gate through an earthquake experience.Acts 16:25-33

The way God does His things are just unfathomable, His wisdom is way beyond us.How great are God’s riches! How deep are His wisdom and knowledge! Who can explain His decisions? Who can understand His ways?Romans 11:33

While I am over-analyzing the way things will play out; calculating how my two apples plus the two from tomorrow will amount to four at the end of the week, God shows up and gives me ten apples at the end of the week.This same God could decide to give me only an apple after all my analysis. He is God!

I remember over-analyzing how I would get my new job. In my head,I had imagined my Dad(who knew a couple of people) and his brotherwould get me a good number of interviews at firms, and I would have ample number of offers to pick from.

LOL! “No, my child”—God must have said to Himself—”all glory belongs to me now and forever.”

Months went on and it seemed like God was not listening. Then, He made a way in my least expected means.

His awesomeness is beyond me. He makes the best use of things that do not humanly make sense.

My Pastor pointed out something which is Glory in itself. The formation of a baby. Two liquids in our bodies bond at a place and become a fetus. It then develops bones, begins to grow and finally develops into a baby. That is Glory in itself, the glory of God!

This God took Joseph from a prison experience to a Prime minister.His brother must have thought selling him to slavery was the end of his dreams or the end of his glorious future.

God chose David, the youngest and the least qualified in Samuel’s eyes, from the house of Jesse as King of Israel. God is just God, He does not judge as people judge. I Samuel 16:7

This same God who destroyed the whole earth with therain (Genesis 3:23),held rain from pouring for 3 years in Israel(I Kings 18:1). He is God!

This same God shielded three men,who stood for him from the fiery furnace but allowed it to burn the men who threw them into it. Daniel 3:19-25

I have learnt that we really cannot box God, but then He would not manifest in our lives beyond what we allow Him to. If we put Him in control of only an aspect of our lives, He would show forth in that aspect only.

God’s benevolence in our lives is a function of our faith in Him. God, however, could decide to do contrary to what we ask of Him because He alone is God and all knowing.

I am thanking God for my regenerated soul yet again.I thank Him for a deeper understanding of Him. I am thankful for the prison experience He has brought me through and might still take me through, for Iknow His glory yet to be revealed in me would be way greater than the troubles I went through and might go through- Romans 8:18

I thank Him for who He is. He is God all by Himself. He is the Limitless God!






Edits- Titilope Ajayi

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