Last Sunday on my commute home, I felt the presence of the Lord so strong that I began to write. I had no pre-meditated plan, theme, or topic to write about but by the time I was done, I saw that the theme of what I had written pointed to the access Jesus Christ has given us to the Holies of Holies. By His blood, we all can come boldly to the throne of God any day, anytime to speak with Him. This wasn’t so back in the day, there was this constant fear that God’s children had towards the Lord. You know, there is a scenario from the bible that fascinates me so much; the scene when and where the Lord spoke to His children from heaven. As the Lord spoke to them, they became so fearful that they told Moses to go ahead with the conversation, they didn’t want to be a part of it(Exodus 20:18-19). They were so frightful of the Lord, sadly but pretty much understandable.
All day last week, It felt like the Lord just kept teaching and reinforcing to me the value of what Jesus Christ did for us all. I met a young Jewish man on Tuesday after my experience with the Lord on Sunday. He was well-read and has a PhD in religious studies. My interest was piqued, so I engaged him in a conversation about religion and about Jesus Christ. One of the questions I asked him was, “Do you believe in God?” He responded, “I have felt His presence many times but He could be a hard guy sometimes”. “A hard guy?”, I asked him for clarification. “We do not know if He has truly forgiven us or if we can ever fulfill the laws”. My spontaneous response to him was, “But Jesus came to fulfill the laws” He explained that many men came just like Jesus Christ but I responded by saying to him that many have come but none have been able to stand the test of time. Jesus Christ died, resurrected, and is alive to date. Many of these men who came and claimed to be the messiah are dead and forgotten. His final response impacted my life so much, it amplified the value of what Jesus Christ did for us, and for once in my life I can truly empathize with the average Jew who struggles to believe in Jesus Christ. This young man said to me, “That is it too easy” That is Jesus Christ coming to fulfill all of the laws, taking all of our chastisement upon Himself seems too easy.
That feeling of guilt, perhaps shame or uncertainty, I could finally empathize with. Hence, I am writing this. blog post with the hopes that the Spirit of the Lord that works in His children who believe will bring you to the place of the full knowledge of God and what Jesus Christ did for us all. Amongst the many things that Jesus Christ did for us, one of the most beautiful and priceless of them all is the ability and the Grace to approach God’s throne without the feeling of guilt. The eternal blood of Jesus Christ atones for our sins, cleanses us, makes us clean, and graces us to stand before our maker. Not just stand but have sweet communion and fellowship with Him. You know this is how I have interpreted it in my head; the blood of animals was used to atone for sin but it truly could not take away sin as Hebrews 10:1. First off, it is worthy of note that the life of the flesh exists in the blood – Leviticus 17:11, so it makes some sense for restoration of a spiritually dead man to happen by the shedding of blood. The blood of these animals was somewhat reasonable for the time being but they did not have eternal effects because after all, they all had a life span. But the blood of the eternal lamb of God, the lamb that existed even before the foundations of the earth were laid, the one who saw death and conquered death is the type of blood that can give lasting and eternal cleansing from sins.
In the real sense, it wasn’t exactly easy what Jesus Christ did for us but compared to what God’s children of old were used to; it probably sounds too good to be true. Too good to be true that mere confession that “Jesus Christ is Lord guarantees one access to Jehovah and even more provides eternal cleansing”.
This blog post is for my brother and sister who may have this overwhelming feeling of guilt, shame, or uncertainty about the Love and forgiveness of God. I bring you good news of our Lord Jesus Christ, our high priest who came to wear our shoes to fully understand what it feels like to be human. He understands what it means to be human, hence He is constantly interceding for us in heaven, giving us access to God all day, every day.
All through scripture, we see how Jesus interacted with men and women whom the society had written off as sinful or unworthy. Jesus Christ came to save the lost ones, to reconcile lost souls to the Father. He loves you as you but most importantly wants to see you transformed like the Samaritan woman, like Matthew the tax collector, and so on. Therefore, my dear come boldly to the throne of God and leave all of your shortcomings at His feet, ask Him to help you, and trust Him to help you.
You are seen, loved, and forgiven by the Lord, come to Him today 🙂