For this week’s blog post, I began to write about the road to the cross. I wrote about how this road to the cross isn’t talked about much, how daunting it could be yet so glorious. By God’s Grace, I shall share that blog post as the Lord allows me. So what detour will the Lord have me make this week? I feel mildly that the Lord wants to encourage you to keep at it, to keep praying, and not lose heart.
As I did my bible study towards the end of last week, I came across this verse again, highlighted and moved on. But as I commuted to work this morning, I was reminded of this verse and I meditated on it some more. I thought about the wisdom of Jesus who spoke this word thousands of years ago yet, it is so relevant to you and me today. The context in which He talked about it did not exactly warrant for the disciples to pray. It seemed like it was still the rossy and good times when Jesus fellowshipped with them, broke bread, and told them different parables. Jesus Christ had a reason for sharing with His disciples, this powerful sentence. He knew that there would come times in the life of men and women when they feel like giving up, times when they feel unheard by God, times when they feel like prayers, are a waste of time, times when men and women might lose heart and lose all the hope of getting their prayers answered.
Jesus Christ proceeded to provide further explanation for His statement with the parable of the woman who was persistent about getting justice from her adversaries.- Luke 18:3. The judge who she kept running to could not care less about her or her enemies. He did not have the fear or love of God inside of Him, so it looks like all he did was listen to this woman’s pleas without budging. I can only imagine how many times this woman had to go knocking at the judge’s door screaming, “Avenge me of my adversaries!!!”. For a long time, the judge was unbothered and wouldn’t take action until this woman wore him out with her shouts and pleas. Now Jesus says to us that if this Godless judge could eventually take action how much more our mighty God who is slow to anger yet great in power and He never lets the guilty go unpunished – Nahum 1:3
Almost every darn thing that may wear us out or make us lose heart is usually things propagated by the enemy through his cohort and agents. However, God’s judgment for the devil is already in place but God would like to see these human beings or vessels used by the devil come to salvation. Therefore, it may seem as though the Lord allows Joseph’s brothers to prosper while Joseph suffers. God wants all men to come to salvation, all men be saved and come to the truth – I Timothy 2:4-6. So my dear, be reminded that all things work together for all of us who are called by the Lord and love Him – Romans 8:28
I can almost imagine that Joseph kept at it in the place of prayer all through the years as he waited for God to come through for Him. Even our Lord Jesus showed us the perfect example of praying non-stop without losing heart. In the garden of Gethsemane, as He began to lose heart – He prayed so hard that He may not lose heart to go to the cross. Even at the cross, He cried out to God too.
As I wrap up this blog post, I would like to share with you that there have been moments and seasons in my life when and where I was beginning to lose heart and the motivation to pray wasn’t there. What did I do?
Kept My mind stayed on God – Isaiah 26:3
Although the physical motivation wasn’t there, my heart and mind stayed on God (Isaiah 26:3), I found ways to crawl until I could walk and talk to God from the depths of my heart. So although my mouth failed to find words to muster to God, my focus remained steadfastly on God as I had internal dialogues with Him.
I Found creative ways to still commune with God :
Furthermore, during those times, I tend to journal extensively; I discover that my deepest thoughts emerge during those seasons. Journaling serves as another outlet for me, allowing me to express my mind and heart to God in the moment, as I experience those emotions. I also find therapeutic value in admiring my handwriting during those periods(vainmuch) :). For you, it might be drawing, painting, or singing—whatever it may be, engage in it, continue communicating with God, and do not lose heart, my dear friend.
Praised and Worshiped God through it all:
An additional aspect that aids me during such times is praise and worship! I deeply appreciate Gospel ministers worldwide because numerous ministrations from men and women of God have helped me during those losing heart seasons.
Forsake not Christian Community & the Church – Hebrews 10:25
Finally, I can not over-emphasize the importance of community; the church, and Godly friends. There have been times when I was emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted but as I stepped into the church or began to worship with others or pray with others, I regained my strength. Other times, it was just talking to Godly friends that helped me regain my strength to keep at it.
Therefore, my friends, I encourage you today to keep at it. Keep praying and trusting God to come through for you because we all ought to pray without losing heart. I am confident that our loving Father in Heaven hears you and He answers you in Jesus’ name.
As you regain your momentum to pray, please incorporate praying God’s word into your routines. Every single thing on earth will pass away but God’s word remains forever! God’s word stands the test of time, it is unmovable. So my dear pray that God’s word comes, and is made manifest in your life.