Jesus’ love for us is so great and pure that He pours it all out in a revelation to the Apostle John, as recorded in the book of Revelation. I’m reading through Revelation 3 right now, and I honestly cannot believe I used to be scared of reading this portion of the Bible. I never fully delved into the chapters but focused on the bits and pieces highlighted at Sunday services, sermons, books, etc. More so, I realize that since I said Yes to Jesus and began to walk with Him closely, I became aware of His love for me and the body of Christ. When we stand so far away or close off our hearts and ears to hear all He has to say to us, we miss out on learning and receiving His love for us.
The other day as I worked on a different blog post, I was reminded of this portion of scripture – “I stand at the door, knocking…”. I went to look up the part of scripture it is and I read through for context. Jesus Christ had and still has messages for different churches; this chapter from the book captures the messages Jesus Christ has for the churches. This blog post will endeavor to focus on Jesus’ message to the lukewarm church. This church as described or rather what I envision is filled with individuals that are neither here nor there when it comes to their faith walk. Many of the congregants at this church blow hot and cold; they say they love Jesus yet still love the world. Jesus goes ahead to describe these people with certain traits. He said;
Although they say they are rich, they are wretched, blind and naked:
I find it interesting that these individuals had physical testimonies of wealth, riches, and so on yet they were spiritually bankrupt. In Jesus’ words, “You say I am rich, have become wealthy and need nothing- and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” – Revelations 3:17. I think and believe that Jesus Christ was describing the state of their hearts, minds, spirits, and souls. Although, they seemed to be prospering in their own eyes and minds- they were failing where it matters. The sad truth is this trend did not stop with the church of old, it has continued for years and still spirals into this age and time. This is what Jesus recommends for as many as may be in this category. You may ask, how do I know if I am in this category of people – a good way to discern is through the word of God. The Bible tells us that the word of God is like a mirror, the more we look into it, the more we can identify the spots, blemishes, wrinkles, and impurities in our lives. Now, it should not just stop at identifying them but we should take action as well.
This is what Jesus recommends, buy from Him – gold refined in the fire, that we may be indeed rich, buy from Him white garments that we may be clothed, that the shame of our nakedness may not be revealed and finally He recommends that we anoint our eyes with salve that we may see. – Revelation 3:18.
He Chastens and rebukes as many as He loves:
More than often, I come across and hear people speak about their doubt in Jesus Christ and His love for them when all He is is love! Jesus Christ is love, all that He did and does for us is love and points us to the love of our heavenly father. At the start of this blog post, I shared with you how years ago I was always fearful of the chapters of Revelation because it seemed as though judgments were being rained down from heaven. However, Jesus Christ tells us in this verse loud and clear that whomever He loves, He chastens and rebukes – Revelation 3:19. Therefore, my dearest friend in Christ and outside of Christ – every single time Jesus Corrects you Himself or through a brethren in church, it is all out of His love for you. Although it may sound harsh at the moment, Jesus’ goal is to make you like refined gold that has passed through fire. He wants your physical and spiritual confession to be – I am rich, I have become wealthy and I am clothed in a white garment.
Behold He Stands at the door to knock:
Now, this is the verse that stood out for me, the very verse that made me delve into Revelation 3 in the first place. The first time I read it after being reminded of it recently – all I could think of were many men and women who haven’t received the love of Jesus Christ yet. There are so many platforms professing and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ on a daily, yet many people choose to ignore Him. A second look at the verse, it also dawned on me that there are many people even in the church who can hear Jesus calling out to them, beckoning to them, yet they aren’t listening to His call. Many people are in the church yet unsaved. I was in this category of people for a long time but thanks be to God who opened my ears and eyes to hear and see Him. Many people may be in the church, saved, and sanctified yet refusing to listen to Jesus’ call to reach out to lost souls or do things for Him. Our dear brother Jonah was in this category. He was a man who knew God wanted him to reach out to lost souls in Nineveh yet he went in the opposite direction of God’s call.
You know, reading this scripture reminded me of Jesus’ nature. Jesus isn’t forceful, He would continue to speak to you softly, nudge at your heart to take action and wait patiently for you to open the door of your heart to Him until your time on earth is up or until you scream at Him to leave. Another thing that stands out to me is the fact that He wants you to have the time of your life with Him. See the scripture for yourself:
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me
Revelation 3:20
Jesus says that when we open the door for Him, He will come into us, dine with us, and He with us. All I can imagine is fine dining, and nights of amazing conversations while feasting with the King of Kings. Contrary to popular beliefs that Christianity is boring, a life with Jesus Christ is guaranteed a life of adventure, learning, and never a dull moment. Even more importantly, He would be with us always. What is better than having the King of King with you always?
So you see my dear friend who might be pushing the voice of Jesus away or ignoring Him together, I pray that you give Jesus Christ a chance with the whole of your heart. You can’t have all of Him if you do not give Him your all. I pray that you dive into a walk with Jesus Christ with all that you have.
Enjoy your fine dining with the King today and forever.
God saved my life and without Him I’m nothing and I can’t survive
He was with me through my divorced 2012, I THOUGHT I WON’T MAKE IT
But Look at you ma’am, you made it through! Thank God.
I am so glad to hear about your salvation.
Glory to Jesus forever.