As I read about the lives of Kings and people who once loved God, were greatly blessed by God but all of a sudden seemed to forget all the wonderful things God had done for them – I cannot help but appreciate King David’s prayer in Psalm 103:2.
May I never Forget the good things God does for me.
Psalm 103:2
For example, I struggle with comprehending how a King like Asa who started his reign in Judah with God, devoted and committed everything he did into God’s hands. And he indeed did see God’s hands in all that he did; God gave him victory over the Cushites when they attacked with thousands of chariots and soldiers. II Chronicles 14:8-14.
King Asa continued in his revered worship of the most high God until his 36th year as a king. II Chronicles 15:1-19, II Chronicles 16:1-10. And then he just somehow forgot all the good things God had done for him only to turn & put all his trust in a mere king like himself .
Another interesting King I would like to point out on this blog post is King Hezekiah. He was a king who also reverend God in all his actions, ways and reign. Just like anyone or king who walks with God faithfully, King Hezekiah saw God’s faithfulness in all that He did II Chronicles 29,30,31. Despite God’s faithfulness and even his supernatural healing when he became sick- II Chronicles 32:24- king Hezekiah found it in his heart to respond to God’s love with pride – II Chronicles 32:25.
Sigh! was my initial reaction. How does one go from seeing all of God’s love to forgetting all about it! But thank God that Hezekiah was able to call himself to order and repented of his pride. And everything went back to how it used to be; he enjoyed wealth and honor afterwards,the bible says.
Can I hear a hallelujah for God’s ever forgiving nature!
I have given this subject a long thought and I just may not be able to give all the explanation for people who have somehow forgotten about God’s goodness but I will just point some reasons I have thought about:
Perspective of God’s Goodness:
Perhaps trusting God for things that don’t happen the way we have pictured may just blur our vision of God, who He is and all that He has done for us. It’s just amazing how we are so quick to forget all the good things people do for us, then make rash decisions based off a single seemingly bad thing done. I think we sometimes may just transfer the same attitude to God as well.
But we should realize that God made us and He knows exactly what is best for us! If He hasn’t given us something just yet, let us trust that it is for our own good instead of turning away from Him.
Disguised Temptations:
The devil is such a strategist and is always looking for ways to gain access into a believers’ life in order to distract and perhaps divert focus from God’s goodness. So perhaps, he succeeds sometimes but I pray we do not fall for any of his strategies in Jesus name.
Harbouring Little sins:
Those little sins that we think may not be significant in our walk with God actually gives the devil a level playing ground and access. All the devil needs is just some form of darkness and he is in! Once he gains access, he is able to expand and extend his reach in such a life. Before one knows, the devil begins to torment with guilt and it goes on and on and then the feeling of unworthiness sets in and it just spirals into a situation where one is fighting to just stay focused on God and how good He is.
With all that said, how can we navigate through this? How may we be able to have our eyes fixed on God’s goodness always?
Ask for Our Daily Bread:
A vivid reference to asking God for our daily bread is when Jesus spoke to His disciples about how to pray – Matthew 6:9-11. I believe our daily bread is symbolic of our daily spiritual & physical needs as we live here on earth and also in Christ. This may be a pointer to how we need God daily, we need His grace, strength, mercy, love fresh and brand new everyday. These spiritual blessings are the things that keep us standing firm in the faith. More so, the bible tells us how God’s love and mercies are new every day therefore we should ask him daily.
It just may be safe to say that asking God for our daily bread may just be like having our baths everyday or better still as breathing every second.
Be True to Thyself:
I say to be true to thyself because somehow deep down, we may be able to pinpoint the things we struggle with, the little sins or even big ones that we have in our lives. For example, I was able to identify anger as something I had to deal with and I thank God He has been able to help me with it.
Therefore, the earlier we are able to identify those sins and deal with them, the best for us.
Confess Thy Sins one to another:
The bible tells us in James 5:16 to confess our sins one to another, pray for one another that we may be healed and it also points out how the effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much. I believe it is important that if we decide to take this route, we should talk about our struggles with people who have the genuine love of Christ in them. Because we would not have to worry about being judged or about hearing it from someone else and more so, they may be able to pray for us and strengthen us in our faith walk. I love how the bible tells us that confessing our sins one to another and praying for one another guarantees our healing from the sin.
Therefore, I pray that God surrounds us with righteous people that we may be able to confess and speak to about our struggles in Jesus name.
May every fear hindering us from speaking and confessing our sins go away in Jesus name.
Be True & Open with the Lord:
King David is a go to to learn about openness with the Lord! Most of the chapters in the book of Psalm shows us how open David was with God. He expressed himself just as it was in his heart to God.
God is approachable about anything thanks to Jesus! Therefore, whatever struggles we might have, let us bring before God and ask Him to help us.
And as we come to Him for help, let us be willing to do what it takes to overcome such distractions or sin. Many people may think it is magic and every struggle will just go away but there is the part of commitment, consecration and taking action on our part.
God will help us overcome every struggle we bring before Him in Jesus name!
Believe the Prophet of God:
There is a pattern I have noticed about forgetting about God and all that He might have done for one. It is a gradual process, it starts from a small slip here and there and then it becomes a huge slip and then we here about someone backsliding. But then I notice that God tries His best to ensure that He doesn’t lose such a soul, He sends signals, He sends warnings, He sends His prophets to warn us about the impending danger. In the case of King Asa, God sent Hanani to tell him the consequences of relying on King Aram instead of relying on God like he had always done. And his reaction was anger and even went as far as locking Hanani up. I believe that if he had been remorseful and repentant, God would have helped him.
King Hezekiah, on the other hand after seeing the signal from God repented.
Therefore, when genuine children or prophets of God speak to us in love about character defects, attitude or behaviour, let us pay attention. Instead reacting in anger, let us do self checks for ourselves and ask God to help us.
Always Engage the Holy Spirit:
Thank God for the Holy Spirit that lives within us, who alerts us when we go contrary to God’s will. Staying sensitive to the Holy spirit is paramount as we walk with God and also asking Him for help goes a long way in our faith walk as well.
Please dears let us engage the Holy spirit often, every minute “sef” if need be!
Dig Depths In Faith:
I believe this is so important! Oftentimes, it is the things that we have inside us that help us to have clear vision and focus on how good God is all the time. For example, a rich knowledge of God’s word in our spirit will help us when the devil tries to tempt us out of the faith. Jesus Christ was able to overcome the devil’s temptations with the use of the word of God inside of Him. Jesus Christ had dug depths in His faith, He had given Himself to studying the law for about 30 years and then went ahead to consecrate Himself for another 40 days.
All that helped Him a lot, therefore let us give ourselves to reaching great depths in our walk with God. Because it is only deeply rooted plants that stand the tests of the wind or time.
Cultivate a Life of Gratitude:
Appreciating God for the little things to every single thing He does for us helps us in cultivating a lifestyle of gratitude towards God. And even when we don’t get the exact things we want, Let us trust that He is good in all His ways, He has our best interest at heart and still give Him praise.
Furthermore, a shift in perspectives about God’s goodness to us would help as well. I do not think this is something I can explain with words, there is just a kind of joy that wells up from inside out of one even if things are not going smoothly. I believe that is the work of the Holy spirit.
Therefore, I encourage us to desire that kind of joy, pray and trust the Holy Spirit to work it out in our lives in Jesus name. And may we be strengthened to give Him thanks always in Jesus name!.