How Are we altogether lighter than vapor – Psalm 62:9

Surely men of low degree are a vapor,
Men of high degree are a lie;
If they are weighed on the scales,
They are altogether lighter than vapor

This verse may be easily overlooked as we read through the Psalms of David in my opinion. I wonder how many of you have come across this verse and given as much as a thought about it as I have since the moment It caught my attention.

First off, it looks like something King Solomon would say so it took me by surprise when I read it in Psalm 62. I had to recheck the book of the bible I was reading again when I read it.

When I read the first line, “what is this?”, Will God look down or categorize people based on having a degree or none?” And then the next and third all put together made some sense to me.

But compare us with vapor? somewhat laughable or maybe demeaning if we look at it on the surface. A closer look and ponder on it points to the validity of the statement made by one of the greatest kings that ever lived on earth.

When God molded man from the dust of the earth, he was nothing but a statue until God put His breath inside of Him- only then did man start to have any form of value.

The breath of God gives every man, the value that comes with being called a man or woman.

Without the breath of life, the breath of God inside of us, there is absolutely no way we could ever think of getting any form of degree or even getting work done. That said, the laughable thing:

  • may just be a situation where a man or woman puts all trust, hopes, and confidence in something of fleeting value.
  • may just be a situation where a man puts all trust in something that could not have been achieved without the breath of God inside of them.

Having a degree or degrees is definitely great, sometimes we see how this add-on could help propagate the gospel to nations of the earth. I mean Apostle Paul was a well-learned man, and I believe this somewhat influenced his style of writing the books of the bible that he wrote.

By all means, get those degrees as you are led by the father and your maker but be careful not to let it all get into your head and mind. At the end of it all, God who gave you His breath would take it back and what would you have left?

Degrees? Definitely not!

Depending on how well you fed your spirit man with God’s word, you would have a transformed glorious body. Matthew 24:35 tells us that, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”. Wherever God’s word has been, it lives forever. So if we keep feeding our bodies, souls, and spirits with His word we can be assured that we would never die. We would only be transitioned into greater glory by the power of God’s word that lives inside us.- Philippians 3:21

So you see, King David was right and remains right. Men and women with degrees or no degrees are really just like vapor. They keep evaporating until one day they disappear completely. But men and women with the rejuvenating life of Jesus in them are solid and will live forever

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