Guess who knows your need before you knew you needed it.

God has always been in the business of caring for every single thing, animal, man that He created.

Going back to the details of creation outlined for us by the Holy spirit in the bible, It points out and reaffirms that God was not joking when He says to us not to worry about what you would need tomorrow because tomorrow would take care of itself. And He would take care of our needs even as much as He cares for the plants too- Matthew 6:25-33

God is the master planner and executor, He mapped out everything way before He began His beautiful works of creation. He saw the need for the world to have form and order and He provided that.

He saw the need for the world to have light because He knew the world would need illumination, clarity in our vision and so on.

He made the vegetations because He knew the animals He made for His glory would need it to survive and thrive.

He made the fruits because He knew that man that He created would need it to be healthy and to thrive.

God made woman for the man because He saw the need for him to be in good company and also to be assisted with the assignments (tending and cultivating the garden in which he had been placed) that God had committed into His hands

There was a need for the plants that God had created to drink some water to aid their growth but they could not walk to the sea to get some neither was there rain to feed them yet. God saw their need and made a way for them to get water, He caused water to spring forth from underneath the ground to feed them. Genesis 2:5-10

See how amazing God is! He really does care for everything that He has created

The Holy spirit, our friend, comforter and everything also tells us in different chapters of the bible about how God saw the needs of His children and made provisions even before His children knew. Most times, His children didn’t see the provision, they allowed worry or the dire need of that thing to cloud their sight and their faith in Jesus.

Years before Israel experienced the great famine, God had sent Joseph ahead to be the saviour of his kindred from famine. Psalm 105:16-17

Before Moses’ parents saw the need to preserve His life in Egypt when He was born, God saw it and He arranged for pharaoh’s daughter to be the one to care for him. Exodus 2:1-10

The list goes on but we must not forget that God cares for every detail of our lives and He has made provisions for them.

What shall we do?

a. Start or keep doing the will of God and God will keep taking care of your needs.

God’s word to us tells us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness; This means be about the things of the Kingdom of God and be about pleasing God (“right standing with God”). In doing all these, be rest assured that He got you covered, He is tending to all your needs arising. Matthew 6:25-33

David was so sold out to always please God, to always do God’s will and God took care of him, even when he had to go into hiding numerous times. God provided for his every need.

b. Believe that everything, every damn thing! (as long as you are in the presence and will of God) works out for the good. Because the scripture tells us that EVERYthing works out for the good of those who love Him and have been called to His purpose Romans 8:28 A modern day Joseph would probably think that God had forgotten about Him.

And Joseph who became the prime minister in Egypt probably was confident and believed in His God that everything happening to Him was for a reason and everything He needed in that moment was catered for.

c. Again ensure you are doing the things God has put you here on earth to do, be sure you are in right standing with Him.

d. Quit worrying, pray about those needs- Nobody! absolutely nobody has solved any problems by worrying. If you feel helpless then pray about it, the power of God is released in prayer and prayer is a great resort to communicate with God.

He listens and He answers, He most likely will reassure you that He got you or give you directions to access His provisions-Pay Attention

e. Engage in praises to the Lord- This is something I have personally been indulging in and it really really really really helps. Praising God takes your mind off the thing you are anxious about, it directs your gaze and focus on God. In doing this, God comes down dances with you or wipes your tears or hugs you. Whatever He does, I promise you, you would not be the same after praising God. You would be better off. David did this alot and it worked for him too.

Remember the name of the Lord must be glorified in and through our lives, therefore He cannot do anything that falls short of this plan. (as long as we stay in His presence)

May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding permeate through our souls, minds and spirit as you keep our focus on Jesus and He meets our every need in Jesus name 🙂


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