I am hurting. To an extent, I think I may be able to phantom how Abraham felt when God asked him to let go of his son - Isaac. Although the Bible did not exactly capture his emotions, I choose to imagine that he might have felt some hurt. Some hurt he might have felt letting go of a son he had waited 25years for. Some hurt letting go of a son he had probably wept for, comforted and reassured his wife for. There is no way he wouldn't have felt close to or more than the hurt that I feel right now. Even more when his son asked him for details of their journey. As he said those words- "God will provide" I cannot imagine that a tear or two wouldn't have broke from his eyes. This is what the journey of surrender feels like. It's a lot of hurting on the inside but you'd still have to show up to get the work done. Although the heart may be wrenched in hurt & pain, It entails having reckless faith in the father who gave the instruction. It may also involve speaking with wisdom to people who may see the instruction as foolishness It is trusting and relying on the Lord for spiritual and physical strength to go all the way to mount Moriah where He indeed will surprise and surpass expectations. The mount of sacrifice, reckless Obedience to surrender where I will know God as Jehova Jireh------------------------------------------- Like my Jesus, for the great joy set before me - I will endure this temporal pain that I feel in my chest.