Direction for this week’s blog post spurred from a video of a baby girl praying to God, it was so precious to watch!
You can have a glimpse of the preciousness from the video below:
The sentences that caught my attention from the video are: Are you ok, Lord? I love you so much! Coming from a heart so pure, selfless, and genuine, it really is so precious to see. But then it occurred to me that we all that believe in Jesus and call upon the name of the Lord should have this precious attitude towards God. We should constantly be mindful that God has emotions, has needs too, and would love for us to do things for Him here on earth.
We forget quickly that God has emotions just like we do, in fact, our ability to feel anything is because God has made us in His image.
The book of Acts chapter 9 shares with us the encounter Saul who became Paul had with the Lord. On his way to persecute the children of God at Damascus, the Lord interrupted his journey with shining light from heaven- Acts 9:3. Very interesting and noteworthy that the Lord’s question to Saul was, “why are you persecuting me?” – Acts 9:4
Saul was persecuting human beings here on earth but God implied to Saul that He in heaven was being persecuted. For me, that is a pointer to the fact that God was feeling every single pain that His people felt as they faced persecution on earth.
In the encounter, Saul questioned the authority speaking to him and the response he got was, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting!” – Acts 9:5. Saul, of course, was astonished at what he was hearing, I will be astonished myself.
In his astonished state, he asks the Lord, what will you have me do? – Acts 9:6. One thing is clear about Saul, he had the zeal and passion to please the Lord at all cost, only that he was ignorant of the ways to go about doing it. So asking that question was a great move on Saul’s end. Jesus answered him and gave him directions on what to do which led to his uttermost salvation and all his great works that we read about today in the new testament.
That singular question that Saul asked brought about the liberation of souls in the church of old and it still keeps bringing liberation to the souls of many to date. I remember when I first came to Christ, one of the scriptures I learned was Galatians 2:20– I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me…. these words brought life to my spirit, bones, and flesh literally. It was written by Apostle Paul who was known as Saul, the persecutor.
In essence, what I am trying to communicate with you today is that there are so many things wrong in the world we live in right now. So many! And I strongly believe Jesus’ heart breaks for all the evil that He witnesses, He did not go the cross for evil to prevail. Every one of us He has saved, He saved for a time like this, a time to intercede for nations, a time to counsel that child out of destruction, a time to give to that widow, a time to ultimately shine the light of Christ in this world that we live.
- I believe a good place to start is to always be in sync with the Lord; when we are constantly in sync with the Lord, our heart breaks for the things that break His heart. And in that way, we are stirred to do something about it.
- As we constantly stay in sync with the Lord, let us cultivate the habit of asking Him questions like Saul did, “What will you have me do Lord?”. In as much as the father loves to give to His children non-stop, how delighted He would be to hear you ask that question from the depths of your heart!
- As you go into this week, and weeks to come, will you make up your mind to ask God what He would have you do?
- More so, make up your mind to do what He will have you do.
The world is waiting for your earnest manifestation, the world is waiting for you to ask the Lord that question, the world is waiting for you to take action based on God’s response to you.