God’s Wisdom is a profound mystery that has been ordained since the beginning of time for our glory – I Corinthians 2:7. Truth be told and a close dive into scripture, I see for sure the mystery of God’s infinite wisdom and I really cannot find the words to describe how profoundly deep God’s wisdom is. It is not just some mystical theory that has been established just to show how powerful God is. God’s wisdom, although a mystery has been established for our Glory. God wrapped up His wisdom for our use as we journey through life. One of the many and first use of God’s wisdom as recorded in the bible was the creation of the heavens and the earth. He tells us in His word that by Wisdom, the whole earth was established – Proverbs 3:19-20. And it didn’t just stop there: by His wisdom, He created man to take care of the earth, by His wisdom He created woman to help man to take care of the earth. And the list goes on and on until we get to the book of the bible – Revelations.
A good thing I would like to point out in this blog post is the fact that God hasn’t stopped revealing His wisdom to His children for our Glory. Per time, He keeps prompting and giving us instructions to help shape our lives to the very essence He has ordained. Allow me to share some examples with you from scripture, perhaps it would help shed some light on what I am writing about today.
As God put Adam in Eden, He shared with Him certain details to adhere to in order to flourish in the Garden. God told him not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, only if Adam had judiciously protected and lived by this wisdom, he would have continued to flourish in Eden. Noah was another man who walked with God and God’s wisdom to him was to build an ark in anticipation of a flood that would fill the whole earth. This kind of wisdom was the kind that looked like foolishness to the world around Noah, nonetheless – Noah adhered to and took God’s wisdom for him seriously. This simple adherence preserved Noah’s life and that of his family.
Our dearest father of faith – Abraham was yet another man marvelously helped by the wisdom of God. The first of many revealed to Abraham for his glory was his relocation from his parent’s house to a place God would show Him. And as Abraham journeyed with God, God kept revealing those secrets to Him per time as needed. Queen Esther was a woman also preserved by the wisdom of God – through her uncle, Mordecai she was guided not to reveal her identity immediately after she got to the palace. This preserved her while she was in the palace. When push came to shove and the lives of her kindred were at stake -she called for a three-day fast and prayer. All of these were God’s wisdom provided for her to become the Queen God had ordained her to be right from creation. Another man who had God’s wisdom revealed to him was Samson; he was told that the secret of his power and strength lay in the long locks on his head. Sadly, he was not able to preserve this wisdom that was made for him only.
This brings me to one of the most important things I am learning about God’s wisdom. God’s wisdom is more or less classified information just for His children for our glory, for our lifting, our progress, and so on. It is up to us to diligently seek the Lord, incline our ears to His Holy Spirit alive inside of us, obey His instructions when He gives us, and adhere to His wisdom. And lastly, it is up to us to discern when the Lord wants us to be discrete with His wisdom shared with us. Samson had no business sharing with Delilah, Eve had no business sharing with the serpent. Our dear Jesus Christ understood this and didn’t share with anyone what needed to be done for the manifestation of His Glory. The only times He did, He shared with His close and trusted friends and even shared with them in parables such that they did not fully comprehend what He meant. I Corinthians 2:5-11 explains to us that if the rulers of this earth understood that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross would bring us salvation, they would have stopped Him. But thank God for the wisdom of God upon Jesus’ life, it preserved His destiny.
So as I wrap up this blog post, dear child of God- I would love for you to take a pause in this moment and think about God’s wisdom that has been revealed to you. Have you adhered to them so far? Do you understand it? Have you asked the Lord for clarity? God is telling you to go back to the drawing board, those nuggets He has shared with you – Act upon them, run with them.
And to my dear friend who lacks wisdom, the good Lord says to ask Him for it and He will give you – James 1:5-6. But I dare tell you that God’s wisdom, even more His hidden wisdom is accessible and well utilized and maximized by His children who fear(reverence)Him – Proverbs 9:10.
So if you are yet to reverence God, the best time to begin to do that is now. You know those things your conscience keeps telling you to stop, Stop them, turn to the good Lord for forgiveness, and determine in your life to start to live for God. And as you do so, He will begin to reveal His hidden wisdom for your glory to you.
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