Many interactions with people who go to church baffle me. Many times, I am left stunned, shocked, marveled at the exhibitions of these people who claim to be Christians. It makes me wonder about many things: Do these people know the history of Christianity at all? Do they know the Jesus Christ that our lives are supposed to be modeled after? Do they read the word of God at all? Is the Spirit of God alive in them? Some interactions last week had me questioning the potency of God’s word. My contemplation with my father was left off at the resolve that many people in the church may not take the time out to study the word of God for themselves or perhaps people listen to the word of God carelessly without allowing the word find deep roots. Even worse off, people may not go back to the word to search the scriptures for themselves to even see if what the pastor preached was true.
As believers in Christ Jesus, we have our basic role to play as instructed by apostle Paul in II Timothy 2:15. He encourages us to study and be eager and do our utmost to present ourselves to God approved, a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing {rightly handling and skillfully teaching} the word of truth – (II Timothy 2:15 Ampc). My emphasis as it pertains to this blog post is: to study the word of God and eagely do our best to present ourselves approved by God. Our individual roles in the body of Christ are so salient that we need proper understanding of the God we serve. Moreso, when we spend time with God and in His word, His nature rubbs off on us, the things that excite Him, excite us, and the things that break God’s heart breaks our heart too. When we spend time in God’s word, our minds are renewed, thinking, and acting like Jesus Christ.
This blog post is more or less a plea to my sisters and brothers in Christ who may think they stand, to take heed lest they fall- I Corinthians 10:12. Just take a look at the life of Jesus Christ and ask yourself, “Am I striving towards the mark of Jesus Christ?” “Am I living my life with the consciousness of Jesus Christ as my Lord?”. Nothing irks me more than a believer who falls short of living out the basic expectations to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. Nothing breaks my heart more than a believer whom I expected basic Godly principles such as telling the truth, keeping to one’s word, speaking with love, and having a decent level of selflessness. Perhaps this mark that I speak of is too high?
To be Christians who can be trusted? Christians whose words can be banked on? I do not think that is too much to expect from a Chrisitan. To be a Christian whose life bears the fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – Galatians 5:22-23. Ok, you may say you are growing in faith, hence longsuffering or other components of the fruit is still budding. What about brethren who have been in the faith for so long?!
My dear Christian brother and sister in Christ, let’s be reminded that we have a responsibility to keep shining the light of Jesus Christ. We are like sign posts, guiding and directing people to Jesus Christ through our lifestyle. The world is watching you and I! What testimony might they give about our lives or interactions with us? Will they be willing to serve or follow the Jesus Christ you seem to talk about all the time? The sad truth is that many people have left the church or have sworn never to go back to the church because of their interactions with some “believers”. Do you know what Jesus Christ said about people who cause little ones to sin? He said, ” If you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea” – Matthew 18:6. We could arguably say, He said little ones, well young people in faith may be likened to little ones in faith too. Therefore, my brother and sister in Christ, I urge you and I to carefully study the word of God, allow the word of God to transform and renew our minds. When this happens, we can see things through the lens of Jesus Christ and not through the lens of culture, religion, or ungodly doctrine. A classic example of the need of transfromation and renewal of mind would be the interaction between the Pharisees and the adulterous woman. The Scribes and Pharisees were so eager to stone the woman to death but thank God for Jesus Christ who would love to see everyone saved rather than codemned. Many men and women in the house of God are like the Pharisees and Scribes consumed with tradition instead of becoming like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ handled the situation with wisdom and love for the woman and to God be the glory, her sins were forgiven and heaven rejoiced over a soul that was won – John 8:3-11.
As I wrapp up this blog post, I leave us with apostle Paul’s admoniton in Romans 12:2, there is dire need of transformation of our minds and spirits to the Image and likeness of Jesus Christ through the eager study of God’s word. Hence, he urges us not to conform to this word which encompasses unreasonable culture, Godless traditions, Christless religion but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Then and therein can test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will.