My body mass wasn’t much of a concern to me until sometime two years ago. I have always been on the plus side thanks to amazing genes. Losing weight wasn’t paramount to me till I checked my body mass index and the result said I was overweight (I needed to lose about 10 kilograms). Then the expert convinced me to register at a gym and restructure my diet. I wasn’t looking forward to slashing my food consumption or reducing my milk intake (I loved loads of milk with my cereal). I had to adopt a 1-0-1 diet that is breakfast, no lunch or I could just snack on fruits and very light dinner way before bedtime, late night snacking had to be canceled. I had to incorporate all that with daily exercise (morning or evenings) for three weeks. Although the routine was energy sapping, I enjoyed the evening walks with my friends, with the feel of the breeze on my skin. Eventually,I got used to the routine and by the fourth week I had lost about 5 kilograms and I just wanted to go on with it.
That was the beginning of my adventures;from fruit diets to low-carb diets and now my latest detox routine. I am taking in a lot of green juice morning and night, its day 21 today
Gulping green juice morning and night isn’t cake at all but a woman “gat” to do what she “gat” to do. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, trying my best to be fit is pretty much as essential as breathing.
A detox I understand speeds up metabolism, aids digestion, prevents accumulation of toxins in the body. It cleanses the body of substances one might have overindulged in. This process directly helps with loss of weight as the process instantly gets rid of substances that may hide in our body organs. It also provides balance in the hormonal levels of the body.
Just like my body two years ago, my spirit had no knowledge of fitness until January this year. My recent detox got me thinking and I’d like to ask-do people care for their spirits as much as they care for their bodies?
In my case, my spirit was starved for years, neglected, was malnourished. That is usually the case of spirits that are not well cared for..
Every human possesses a spirit, soul, and his body. These constituents of our existence need equal care and beauty routine.
A human’s spirit is a medium of effective communication with God, this is the part of the body which goes to heaven or hell after death. God reveals many things regarding our lives, His divine plan for our lives, and His purpose for our lives through our spirits. There is no way we can live lives of purpose with dead spirits. A healthy, living spirit allows one understand events in our lives, the knowledge of these events before they happen is possible through a living spirit. A healthy spirit nourishes one’s flesh, gives life to the soul. A healthy spirit man guarantees a peaceful life, peace like no other, a life with clear vision and purpose as God will reveal things concerning your life to you. A body which possesses a dead spirit will constantly experience depression, dissatisfaction, fear, worry, anxiety and so on. (For as the body without spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead –James 2:26)
A regular check up of toxin levels in our spirits and bodies or a revival of dead spirits is not a bad idea at all.
God loves it when a man keeps his/ her spirit in shape ever ready to hear from God. Just as this pleases God, the devil is also struggling so as to kill our spirits with all the sumptuous meals (sin) that will only but suffocate the spirit.
The only killer of our spirit is excess consumption of junk-sin.
I know how uneasy it is to keep or follow through with a strict diet of veggies and low carbs, water et al. It might seem like that’s the time someone is celebrating a birthday and the most delicious cake is served or there is amazing party jollof rice disturbing the place. It takes a great measure of self-discipline to follow through in those kinds of tempting situations. That’s about how it is maintaining a healthy spiritual lifestyle but God is merciful and Grace has been made available to us to detoxify our spirits, soul,and body of all impurities. The following are routines that can be incorporated to ensure a healthy spirit man;
- Constantly ask for strength– We should constantly ask for strength from God to lead holy spiritual lives devoid of toxins. Spiritual toxins, by the way, are things God detests.
- Accept Jesus & Confess Him as your savior-If you are new in the game, you want a spirit life so strong! The first step is to accept Jesus Christ into your life. He is the way, truth, and life. He has all power in His hands; He’d give life to your spirit just as soon as you accept Him into your life. If you have been there, done that you could just rededicate your life to Him.
- Ask for wisdom– The bible says once the spirit wisdom is poured into a man’s soul, he begins to understand the fear of God. The fear of God equals a holy life which is life to your spirit man. God possesses wisdom, so ask Him to pour the spirit of wisdom into you. Asides the knowledge of God, the spirit of wisdom opens the doors to wealth, prosperity, eternal life to say the least.
- Read & study the bible– This I call the living word, it gives life, heals the wounded, and mends the broken; its healing power is almost instant. Daily consumption (study) of the living word would build a strong spirit man. I recommend twice daily (morning and night).
- Kill your flesh– For your spirit being to gain strength, you need to deprive your flesh of unclean substance-sin. Stay away from all forms of sins; daily study of the holy bible will fill you in on those things God does not like.
- Take a dip in the blood of Jesus– Ask for forgiveness of your sins, ask that you be cleansed in the blood take advantage of the blood of Jesus made available to you. The blood of Jesus was shed at Calvary many years ago to atone for our sins and make communication with God effective. Jesus’ blood made shedding of animals’ blood to plead for forgiveness from God unnecessary, His blood made it unnecessary to go to a priest to hear from God. All that is possible right in your room. If you feel unworthy of God’s mercies, which should not be the case just go on your knees confess your sins and ask God to dip and wash you in the blood of Jesus christ. This dip cleanse strengthens your spirit man and makes it possible for you to talk and hear from God at any time.The Beautiful thing is you can do this dip cleanse as many times as you can; doesn’t mean you should knowingly go consume something harmful to your spirit, though.
- Fast and pray– Fasting is not just staying away from food for a certain number of days, fasting is a means of killing one’s flesh. I mean making your flesh weak ‘cause the flesh is what is responsible for luring us into sin.So fasting is depriving one’s flesh to strengthen the spirit, in this state communication with God is most effective. In this state, you can hear God so clear! This could be done weekly or monthly whichever suits you or as the spirit of God leads you.
- Give thanks to God; acknowledge Him– In all things we should acknowledge God, bless His name and bless Him for His mercies endures forever and He inhabits the praises of His people. Praising Him constantly will make Him extremely happy with you. You know what a happy and proud father is capable of doing
The last but not necessarily the least of this list, surround yourself with positive thinkers, people who will encourage you to stay fit physically and spiritually.
Please do let me know about your concerns, opinions or questions.
Romans 8:13- For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live