I love the Lord so much! I love how spontaneous and sudden He can be, I love how He takes His time to enlighten my mind on different things. It does excite me. You should have seen me on the call with my friend Adetutu yesterday. I had it in mind to share something the Lord had explained to me a few weeks ago about Salvation and Deliverance. But as I recorded the video about Salvation and Deliverance, I didn’t feel the release to proceed. I kept struggling with the video, I sensed strongly that the Lord wanted me to share what I caught yesterday with you.
Adetutu and I were having a conversation yesterday and during it, we had to turn the scriptures. I mean what is a good conversation without opening the solid word of God ?! Philippians 4:6-7 was one of the scriptures we turned to in the middle of the conversation. And in that moment, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see something in verse 7. Philippians 4:6-7 is a popular verse in God’s kingdom, I say it often, and I see it often but for some reason, I just didn’t see it in the light in which the Lord showed it to me yesterday. I was extremely excited, to say the least.
Without further ado, let us delve into what the Lord says in this verse:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus
Philippians 4:6-7
The keyword that was highlighted by the Holy Spirit for me is Guard, another version says to keep. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. To guard or keep something means to protect it from impending danger or the like. It is so beautiful to see that the Lord cares for every detail of our lives even our hearts and minds. He cares for our hearts and minds so much He tells us the keys and steps to take in order to protect them. Protect our minds and hearts from what? You may ask. Well, verse 6 gives us a clue of the very thing that could endanger the health of our minds and hearts- anxiety. Thus, the Lord says to us, be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let our requests be made known to our Father.
These techniques as highlighted by the Lord for our good are more or less preventive measures other than reactive measures to anxiety. The Lord admonishes us to have these components imbibed into our lifestyle. As Christians, I’d expect that at the bare minimum, we talk to God in prayer on a daily basis. Then a notch higher will be to make supplications to the Lord about those things we are in dire need of but not forgetting that we should pray and make supplications to the Lord with a heart of gratitude. Gratitude for the past, gratitude for yesterday, gratitude for the fact that you can pray to Him and even make supplications to Him. As this is done daily, the good Lord promises us His peace that surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds from anxiety.
It is noteworthy that the Lord does not promise that we will meet those needs right away but He promises us His peace as we wait for the answers to our prayers. I for one can attest to God’s mind-blowing peace even in the midst of a raging world, God’s peace preserves His children. God’s peace is inexplicable just as His word says- it surpasses all understanding. And I am so glad to say that I have experienced His peace in seemingly stormy situations, I currently also experience His peace about certain aspects of my life. Nonetheless, I pray that you and I keep at it. Keep praying to the Lord, and keep having great conversations with God, while we make our supplications known to Him with thanksgiving. And true to His word, He will keep guarding our hearts and minds with His peace that surpasseth all understanding.
And to my dear friend who sees and thinks of the peace of God as foreign or my dear friend who struggles with anxiety, depression, and other things in this class. I would like for you to know that the Lord wants you to prosper in every aspect of your life, even in your mental health – III John 1:2. But for you to experience this peace of God, you first have to become a friend of God, forsaking all of the things separating you from receiving His love for you. And just like every good friend you have, express yourself to Him, speak to Him about everything while you also express your gratitude to Him for His unending love. And like He has promised, His peace will guard your heart and mind.
If you have questions about becoming friends with Jesus Christ, please connect with me via email: at info@abimbolaswalk.com or via my Socials: at @Abimbolaswalk. I will be more than happy to connect with you 🙂
Have a Peace filled October 🙂
You can watch the video here :