Once upon a time in this lifetime, a group of young people visited a place called Antioch for about a year. In the space of this one year of interacting with people in that city, the difference between them was identifiable. The way in which they carried themselves and behaved stood them out in the crowd. They stood out so much that the people around could not help but call them Christians (Acts 11:26). I cannot help but imagine and wonder how they did not break or fall out of character for a whole year!!! Clearly, they were not acting the part, they were living it – living the life of Christ. Unknown to them, they were being observed and scrutinized by the people around them. Hence, they earned the name – Christians which means people who behave or exemplify the life of Jesus Christ. In this same way, unknown to us (believers) we are being watched and perhaps judged daily by the world. After we have been observed for about a year or so can people around us call us Christ-like or Christians?
In this week’s blog post, I aim to dissect the lives of the young people of old who lived the life of Jesus Christ to the fullest. Hopefully, we are able to learn a thing or two from them or perhaps be reminded of a thing or two in Jesus’ name.
First Believers, then disciples of Jesus Christ:
First things first, these people referred to themselves as believers in Jesus Christ and disciples of Jesus Christ. This as much points us to the mindset they had, they first believed in our Lord Jesus Christ and believed in all of His finished works which liberated humanity from sin and death. Moreso, they did not stop at just believing him, they committed themselves to learning, studying, and imitating His lifestyle. With that said, this is where and how Christianity should start- from first believing in Jesus Christ with all of our beings, then proceeding to learn and study about His life. The life and times of Jesus Christ, while He was here on earth, were documented and passed from generation to generation for many reasons which include learning and knowing about Him so that we are able to live just like Him
Then Break Bread with brethren and non-brethren:
The disciples learned so much about Jesus’ sharing culture and they imbibed it to the core (Acts 2:45). The bible gives us instances where the disciples sold their properties, and possessions and shared with those in need amongst them. And the most fascinating for me is the tenacity with which they kept sharing the word of God in cities regardless of how they were humiliated, beaten, or ill-treated. As long as Jesus wanted them to do so, they went all out to pour themselves out, sharing all that they were blessed with – spiritual and physical gifts.
Next Bask in the Joy of Suffering for Christ’s Sake:
So the disciples left the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus’ name – Acts 5:41. This was the countenance of the disciples after they had been publicly beaten and humiliated just because they spoke about Jesus Christ. Instead of sulking or asking why Jesus did not come to their rescue, they rejoiced. Unbelievable, isn’t it?! The disciples of old understood that living for Jesus was not just about living the rosy life, it also entails living in temporal pains or sufferings which does not as much come close to the great joy and glory that awaits every believer who runs and finishes the good race – Romans 8:18, Philippians 1:29. Furthermore, a close look at the life of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our standard, focus, and root – He sure did go through grave humiliation and suffering but now He is seated in glory on His throne interceding for us at the right hand of the father. Therefore, if we dare call ourselves Christians which means we plan to exemplify Jesus, we sure should embrace the sufferings or pain that the Lord may allow in our lives knowing that they are all working out for His glory.
Completely tuned and submitted to the Holy Spirit:
The book of Acts of the apostles gives us so many instances where and when the disciples acted and were propelled by the leading of the Holy Spirit regardless of how cultural or morally unacceptable it may have been. For example, Peter followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to preach Jesus to the gentiles in Joppa which was somewhat unacceptable back in the day(Acts 11:7-18). Other occasions arose when the disciples wanted to go preach the gospel in certain cities but they retracted because the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let them (Acts 16:6-8). And the list of their absolute submission continues throughout the letters of the apostles and other new testament books.
In summary, Christianity is not just about asking God for transient blessings to impress this fleeting world. Being a Christian means staying committed to learning and imbibing the life of Jesus Christ who came, gave His all, said, and did all that He heard the Father say and did. (John 5:19, John 12:49)