Five years in retrospect and a close look at my life, I have now come to the absolute conclusion that God unpacks and unfolds the intricate beauty of people’s lives in seasons or chapters. And even more detailed, God breaks each season into smaller segments. In each season; He has made time for everything that He has apportioned to happen- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. And I believe He does the same which the details of our lives, He creates them one after the other. I mean I did not start to run until I started to walk…..
So with each season He has apportioned a time to Sow I mean let us examine His work of creation from the very beginning. God is all-powerful and He could have made everything happen in a split second or by a snap of a finger. But He laid the foundations of the earth precept upon precept, day after day- Genesis 1:1-31. Each creation waited days, hours, or minutes to meet the next work of creation but in the end, they all came together complementing each other in God’s grand masterpiece of the earth. God Made the beauty of the earth one after the other; a God of order, a God of divine timing is who we serve after all.
This time of sowing in any season of our lives may be compared to the times we devote to planting, to laying foundations for the things we look forward to reaping or having. This time of sowing may be compared to the early stages when we realize our need or want for something and then we start to pray about it or towards it. The time of sowing could also be the times when we confess and profess God’s word to build up the exact structure we want to see. Because after all, whatever it is that we sow, is the exact thing I would reap – Galatians 6:9. So for example, I realize I would like to get a second degree in a course: sowing for me could look like deciding the area of specialization I would want, preparing and sending out my applications, praying about it after I may have sent out applications.
Take a moment now to think through, you perhaps agree with me that there is always a time of sowing in almost every season of our lives. Or some of you may have known this since forever, either ways I am headed somewhere, so please stay with me.
Also, in every season or chapter of our lives there is always a time of waiting: waiting for the seeds we have sown to grow or bloom or waiting for that application I may have sent out to come back with a positive feedback. This segment in the whole mix may vary from time to time or from plant to plant. Sometimes, the waiting may be for seconds or days or sometimes years. This is something I believe every believer may be going through right about now. We are all waiting for something, there is just always something new happening. You cannot blame us? can you ? “cause our God is always doing a new thing- Isaiah 43:18-20. But as He does new things, we also have our parts to play – to sow, to water, to wait and to recieve. Before I go ahead to the next segment that is similar in every seaon of our lives. I think it matters alot what we do while we wait for the seeds we have planted to yield and it is also important that we are not waiting when we haven’t planted anything. Things we could do while we wait are : pray for bountiful harvest of the seeds planted, water the plants, speak life to the seeds, or perhaps plant other seeds and completely trust God who is completely in control of all aspects of the seasons in or lives.
And finally the segment we are most likely always happy about – the time to behold the beautiful flowers from the seeds planted, the time to touch the flowers and enjoy its fragrance., the time to harvest and eat the yummy fruits or food from the harvest.
As sure as the sunrise and the sunset, these seasons in our lives are sure. We would all go through all of them, or perhaps we are going through it right now or we are transitioning through one segment right now. Regardless of whichever season or segment we may be in right now I believe the Lord wants me to remind you of His promise
For since the world began,
Isiaiah 64:4
no ear has heard
and no eye has seen a God ,
who works for those who wait for Him
Very reassuring promise, I must say but I’d like to draw our attention to some key words in this promise. Definetly, God is all out to blow our minds when it comes to harvests but we must play our own part. The verse mentions those that wait for Him. So who are those that wait on Him?
- People who have sown seeds with the Help of God, people who have involved God from the onset of the planting season.
- People who are looking unto Jesus to help water, prune and nuture the plant that is growing
- People who are constantly praying to God about the harvest and asking Him what to do about the harvest.
- Overall those who wait on Him are those who involve God from the sowing till the harvest.
So as I wrapp up today, are you waiting on God? Then be sure to know that eyes have not seen neither ears heard the amazing things God will do for you – Isiaiah 64:4