I legit had about two other things pressing on my heart during the week that I wanted to write to you about today. But as I prepared to write to you with my playlist playing in the background, a song I recently just found came on – all in all by called out music came up. It was an absolute love at first listen, you should check it out as well :). I currently have It on repeat since it came on this evening; it is a song that points us to the love of God and the fact that we cannot be separated from God’s love. Nothing, absolutely separates us and can ever separate us from God’s love – Romans 8:35
Yes! We absolutely cannot be separated from God’s love, nothing that we do can change the fact that God loves us. He sure leads by example! Last week, I had shared with us how God wants for us to show Him that we love Him and not make it just mere talks. He started off, by showing us what true love is! He has shown us and keeps showing us that He loves us regardless of what we do.
From the beginning of time, before we were born, before we knew how to walk or seemingly navigate through life. God showed us how much He loves us. He gave His only begotten son, Jesus Christ to be sacrificed while spilling his love all over us. His blood that dripped from the cross to the earth submerges us in His uneding love. The blood of Jesus, so potent covers us with the Love of God unending.- Romans 8:32
As soon as I got the prompting to write about God’s word in Romans 8:35, I just knew that I must have written about it on the blog one way on the other. And Yes, I have. I wrote about it from a different angle years ago. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit who sheds more light on God’s word more and more as much as we commune with Him.
God’s children who were from Israel and lived in the time of old were just like you and I who went through different seasons that could have made them question God’s love for them. Furthermore, the church in Rome who were the recipients of this note from Apostle Paul also must have gone through different questionable seasons of their lives. I perceive that is the reason Apostle Paul wrote this letter of encouragement to them and right now to you reading this.
Who could ever divorce us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. What about persecutions, deprivations,dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love. – Romans 8:35 TPT
I will start off by addressing you who may think you are far gone and buried in all the dirt of this world. I am addressing you who thinks you are irredeemable, unforgivable and unloved by God. I am elated to write to you that you are absolutely wrong! Yes, God may not be exactly happy about the things you do right now but one thing is for sure that He loves you! God’s love for you is a done, sealed and delivered deal to you! The moment Jesus Christ went to that cross and poured out His love on the earth, it became a done deal.
Secondly, to you dear believer who is going through it right now! The Israelites went through it too! For years they cried out in pain and agony while they suffered hardship in Egypt. Even as they got delivered from bondage in Egypt, they went through it in the wilderness and they openly confessed their doubt in God’s love for them.- Exodus 16: 2-15. Unknown to them, God had heard their cry and was working out their salvation. He was working with Moses to ensure that His children saw and enjoyed deliverance. God is not a magician, He works out things for our good always. So while we wait without having the full picture of how God is working out everything, we may start to doubt God’s love for us. We may start to think back at past wrongs we have done and ascribe our current waiting season to it. The scripture says, nothing in the universe, no tribulation or pressure is strong enough to separate us from God’s love. God’s love for us is a sealed, done and delivered deal to you my dear.
Finally, to you dear believer whose fire is gradually burning out and you are hesitant about coming back because you doubt God can or still loves you. Be reminded that God who is love keeps no records of any wrong- I Corinthians 13:6. The blood of Jesus washes off all the dirt from our bodies, soul and spirit once we ask.
Go in this stride this week, that no matter how the things in this world may try to fill your ears with fear and doubt of God’s love. He loves you unending.