Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do
James 1:23:25
The invention of the mirror may be something we all may have underrated perhaps because we have gotten so used to having mirrors around us. But can you take a moment to close your eyes and picture the world without mirrors! Without a mirror, I may be able to feel but not exactly see what I look like with the pounds of flesh I have added in parts of my body. Thanks to the mirror, I am able to see these fluctuations in my weight & decide to do something about it. Thanks to the mirror I am able to see the brown patch on my neck and decide to do something about it or let it remain there. Thanks to the mirror, I am able to see when a dress or shirt fits wrongly on my body. Still thanks to the mirror, I am able walk by and stop abruptly just to appreciate how wonderfully & fearfully I have been made by God. The mirror does help us to identify our flaws & all the great things working for us physically. Thank God for the wisdom & resources to invent the mirror!
But seeing that we are spirit beings with bodies, have you ever pondered about the device or tool we could use to assess what our spiritual bodies look like?
Well ponder nomore!
The word of God- Jesus Christ is to our spirit bodies as mirrors are to our physical bodies.
This is why the bible tells us to never take our eyes of Jesus Christ, the author & finisher of our faith – Hebrews 12:2. I wrote about how we should do this through out this year in this blog post last week. And this week I thought to share briefly what it means to fix our eyes on Jesus.
To fix our eyes on Jesus means to :
Have our eyes glued on the word of God :
The Holy bible which is God’s word is Jesus Christ as described in John 1:1. Everything about the bible and in the bible points us the Jesus Christ, therefore to look at the words of the bible means to look at Jesus Christ. And because I say glue doesn’t exactly mean to just casually look at the bible or stare at it, I mean read the bible as often as you scroll through social media or as often as you do the other things that take up your time.
Study & meditate on the word of God :
Joshua 1:8 says that we should never let the word of God depart from our mouth, we should meditate on it day and night so that we may achieve good success. Good success is definitely different with every child of God but similar in the sense that we all have the goal of spending eternity with Christ. Therefore, to achieve this end- we need to study and meditate on the word of God day and night.
Do what the word says:
James 1:24 tells us this – we should not only just listen, read or meditate, we should do everything the word of God tells us to do. I trust that by the power of the Holy Spirit within you, you would fix your eyes on Jesus & surrender to be transformed by Him in Jesus name.
The beauty and importance of having our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ is that just like the mirror, it helps us to identify those places where we may be flawed and also gives us wisdom and the ability to make the necessary changes.
More so, fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ helps us to stay on track without distraction on the ultimate goal ahead of us.
This process of fixing our eyes on Jesus (identifying and correcting our flaws, vision) is not a one off thing, it continues until we transition into glory with Jesus. I mean if it was one off, I could as well look at the mirror just once a year or look at the mirror and do nothing about the flaws I identify in my physical body.