Jesus has always been one to share His wealth of knowledge and wisdom with His friends and as many people as may care to listen.
Luke chapter eleven shares with us one of the many times Jesus shared His knowledge with His close friends and many others. But I will like to focus on verses 33- 36 this week.
Jesus starts by giving us an analogy of one who lights a lamp; He says,”No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light” – Luke 11:33. This absolutely makes sense, nobody! I repeat nobody ever lights a lamp only to cover it up. A lamp is usually lit to bring light to a place and perhaps enable one navigate through a book or around the house or an area.
Then Jesus goes on to say that, “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness” – Luke 11:34. Here Jesus compares the lamp that is lit with our eyes which is also on the top of our bodies. This verse for me goes ahead to emphasize God’s intentionality and preciseness in creating man. He made the lamp of our bodies and put it on top of our bodies for a reason; to light up our bodies!
God’s wisdom is top notch, just beyond us!–
Then Jesus goes ahead to say that, “See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.” – Luke 11:34-36
Remember how Jesus started with His analogy, He says the lamp is put on top of its stand so that everyone who comes in may see the light.- There are two pointers for me here; Jesus encourages us to give our bodies access to light and more so shine the light for everyone who sees us to see the light– Matthew 5:16
This light that Jesus talks about is Himself, the light of the world, the light that shines so bright and leads people out of spiritual & physical darkness into His marvelous light- John 8:12.
Now let me try to break it down into tiny bits for us. Our eyes are gates into our minds, souls and spirits and the things that gain entrance into our lives through our eyes have a way of shaping our mindsets, then behaviours, then the course of our lives. The wise man knew what he was saying when he said that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he- Proverbs 23:7 and these thoughts start from the things that came in through the eyes/
Therefore, if you and I feed our eyes with things contrary to the word of God, there is the tendency that our lives take the form and shape of the things unhealthy things that Jesus talks about in Luke 11:34
Therefore How can we care for our eyes:
Fill our eyes with the light of the world:
II Corinthians 3:18 tells us that the more we behold Jesus Christ, the more like Him we become and John 1:1 tells us that word of God is Jesus. Moreso, Psalm 119:30 tells us that the entrance of the word of God gives light to the whole body. Therefore, to have healthy eyes and healthy, light-filled bodies like the one Jesus talks about in Luke 11:33-36, we must constantly give our eyes exposure to the word of God.
Fix our eyes on our big God:
I saw this picture that described David’s vision when he faced Goliath. The picture said that David wasn’t intimidated by big Goliath but was focused on how big his God is; he most likely was thinking to himself that, “the God that helped me kill wild animals in the forest in the past can definitely help him take down this little Goliath” .
we can say the same about Abraham as well when God told him to go sacrifice his only and precious son at mount Moriah- Genesis 22. The bible tells us that Abraham thought to himself that God will most likely bring back his son after he had sacrificed him- Hebrews 11:9. He must have thought to himself that, “the God who gave me a child at age 100 could definitely give me another son or better still bring back his son to life”.
The two men of God had clear visions of how big their God is and did not allow what the situation that confronted faze them. If they had allowed it faze them darkness could probably have gotten a chance to slip into their bodies. Because fear, intimidation,anxiety is not of God.
May we be strengthened to have clear visions of our big God always in Jesus name.
Fix Your eyes on the Hope and Future God has promised:
Although God assures us in Jeremiah 29:11 that His thoughts towards us are great,plans to prosper us and to give us hope and a future, He also says in John 16:33 that as long as we live in this world, we would encounter challenges but there is a way to navigate through them.
Jesus Christ lived an exemplary life to show us how to always have healthy eyes even in the face of challenges. He deliberately decided to ignore all the shame,endured the hard cross and kept his eyes on the joy that will come when He is seated with God’s right hand in heaven after accomplishing His challenging goal- Hebrews 12:2.
Therefore, my dears let us decide to keep our visions on the promises of God for our lives whilst disregarding the distractions that may come our way.
May we be strengthened in Jesus name.
Let our eyes be on Treasures in heaven Always:
I have read and heard that success, wealth and influence can be intoxicating and if not managed with the Help of the Holy Spirit, man may just lose control, begin to idolize them. And if care is not taken, the eyes may become filled with with darkness and then the whole body.
Apostle Joshua Selman has mentioned many times in his sermons how he locks himself in his room after sermons to pray to God to help him so that pride or success do not overwhelm him or take God’s place in his life.
It is very important that we always keep in our minds that the earthly treasures that we may enjoy here will not last, they will all phase out someday. But there are treasures in heaven that will never phase out and that is where our eyes should be always.
Therefore, my dears when the good Lord blesses you with all that He has promised and that you have been praying for, do not forget Him. Let your focus on Him be unshakeable.
Pray until our eyes see the light:
I know sometimes that all the tears, pains,challenges may just blur our focus on God but I know there is power in prayer. There may be times when you just cannot get yourself to focus on the promises of God for you or His word or how big He is or the treasures in heaven.
You are not alone dears, Jesus did the something in the garden of Gethsemane when the task ahead of Him seemed daunting, He prayed so hard until He was strengthened by angels- Luke 22:44. So much of God’s power is released in the place of prayer, we may not see the angels but they do come down to strengthen us when we pray. May we be strengthened in Jesus name
And as we go through life: may the good Lord help us to flood our eyes with the light of the world-His word in Jesus name.