Love. Probably the most used word in the world but not fully understood by people who use it. I am left out either, I get more insight into what the word means weekly if not daily. It is such a deeply rooted word, which comes as no surprise to me right now. Because its roots come from God; who is deeper than the deepest ocean floor in the world today.
God who is so deep is love; therefore love is as deep as God Himself – I John 4:16
I probably could write a million words about the word love and still not cover fully all that it entails. Because there are so many dimensions to love, loving, and being loved. But today, I am writing to you lovers of Jesus and even to myself.
My Instagram bio says, “I love Jesus fiercely” and so does my WhatsApp profile indicate. You may have a similar bio on your social media pages, or you could say so often than not. But the question that I have for you and I today is – “Do you really love Jesus?” I honestly believe that I love Jesus so much but I hope and pray that I show Him enough. You know, it is one thing to say you love someone and really mean it by showing them that you do. In my opinion, love is an action word, a doing word, a showing word. It is not enough to just say I love you, show it- talk is cheap.
I believe Jesus expects the same as well, He expects that we show Him that we love Him when we say it so often. As He spoke to His disciples and as He is speaking to us right now, He says, “If you love me, show it by doing the things I have told you” – John 14:15. He further goes on to tell us that He would send us a helper, the Holy Spirit who would be with us always. I perceive that considering how much sacrifice and work it may entail showing Jesus that we love Him, He talks about the Holy Spirit who would always help us to show the love we profess to Him.
Before I go any further from here; what are the things Jesus has told us to do as He mentions in John 14:15? These things are all in the bible, the more often we read it, the more we know and live by these things. For the sake of this blog post, I’d share a few of the things that I remember. If we say we love Jesus, we would show it by doing these things:
- Choose Him first above everything: money, TV shows, social media, friends and family. He should always be number one in our lives. Exodus 20:3-4 Luke 9:60-62
- Desist from murder; murder of people’s characters or image or personality with our words (defamation/ slander) & of course phyiscal murder. Exodus 20:13 & 16
- Honor our parents always. Exodus 20:12
- Desist from fornication & adultery. Exodus 20:14
- Love everyone around you with the love of Christ. Mark 12:31
- Desist from telling lies. Exodus 20:16, Proverbs 6:16-19
These are but a few of the things that Jesus has told us to do. More so, I strongly believe Jesus Christ may have told you certain things to do for Him within your space. What are you doing about it? If you are finding it hard to go about these things or to execute the things He would have you do for Him, ask the Holy Spirit. As He has said to you, to show Him your love for Him, He is telling you that He has given you the Holy Spirit who is with you right now to help you. How benevolent is Jesus! He not only lovingly tells you to show your love for Him and even more, He gives you a helper. A helper who helps you show Him that you love Him fiercely.
On that note, I end this blog post with this charge to you – talk is cheap, show Jesus that you love Him today! If you lack the strength and ability to do so, ask the Holy Spirit for help today.